Axial Our New Home

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Terrorhoodie does not own the PJO series or the HoO series, only the characters I made up and the plot.

Read on readers!

Percy's POV

Okay we just were told that the place we are was called Axial.

And it is freakin awesome!

And it's our new home.

Me and the newly made gods and goddesses had our own kingdom, very big kingdoms may I add, and there were even some leftover space! yup our place is just that huge, how is this thing flying this high? it's probably as big as america!

Annabeth was in complete and utter awe at the architecture, I have to say, I was amazed as well, this place doesn't even match Olympus, it's in a whole different league, so many buildings, temples of us! and other awe striking places, this place could be mistaken as paradise it there were more angels flying around, Terrorhoodie's angels were well...angelic, I mean their really nice, kind and gentle, some were cheery, some where clumsy but cute, some were graceful and elegant, they described as perfect, like models,wise, smart, clever, understanding and freindly.

They had that smile that made you feel like they understood you,like you liked to be understood and beleived in like you liked to be beleived in.

I loved being around them! everyone did, they were so good to talk to, open and happy, Terrorhoodie sure is lucky to have them as their goddess.

Course they had wings, but they were all different from each other, some were colored blue, some were yellow, some wings were made of fire, some ice, some metal, none looked the same, you could guess if they were happy or sad, when they're in a good mood or happy wich is always they glow and wings sparkle and eyes shine, when their in a bad mood or sad they don't glow, their eyes darken, and some little dark changes, I saw that when they saw the half-bloods broken.

We were all cheery now anyway, me with all my freinds and everyone from camp and camp J walked and toured our kingdoms, first was Leo's his place had lots of fire, wich was why we were all sweaty, lots of dragons and automations, their were also tons of half-dragon, half-human dragon, they were called a dragonia, and their were also lots of blacksmiths making weapons.After an hour of trying to make them stop bowing down Leo gave up.I had to say this place was as huge as Manhattan, just a lot more cleaner and organized, and more fire and heat, and the poeple here were dragons, dragonia, blacksmiths, and automations, we checked out Leo's forge and I must say TAKE THAT HEPHAESTUS! Leo's forge was a hundred times more awesome and epic, so many tools and all that, Leo fainted when he saw it, when we woke him up he whooped and ran around checking things out, after we got outta there, wich was a long time since lots of us where lost in there.

Seesh that place was huge, I got lost a few times.

Luckily we got everyone back thanks to the automations getting us out of there and saying everyone was here, we left with Leo still looking smug, I could tell he was yelling in his head 'In yo face dad!' I chuckled at that.

His siblings and Vulcan kids all wanted to live here, and Leo agreed happily.

Annabeth was impressed at the architecture and designs here, so were her siblings.

When we got to Piper's kingdom, we were again in awe and amazement, this place was beautiful and elegant, lot's of colors in every shade and kind, stunning designs and gardens, there were a lot of swans around too all graceful and stuff, there were also some people there, they said they were servants and helpers of lady Piper, they seemed like Aphrodite girls but wore not so modern clothes and can turn into swans and there were dryads too, they could pretty much tell what your feeling like satyrs, they could see what you felt about someone and do some magic like control elements and fly.

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