My Boss

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A/N: so this chapter is definitely less erotic and more of short story, but I'll make it all worth it in the next chapter! So feel free to skip, but you'll be missing out! 😘

Ohhhh shit...
My boss was at the foot of my door. Whyyy?? At least I looked sexy as hell, as if I just woke up, but c'mon world! My life is bad enough.
I cleared my throat, "Uh, can I help you?" Feeling the blood rise to my cheeks from the embarrassment of what I was just doing, I saw that he looked even more uncomfortable than I was. His neck, ears, and practically whole face was red. I had to hold in a chuckle from the unusual sight. My boss, or I guess ex-boss. Oh look another ex, wonderful! Was usually a hard ass always on everyone's case about everything. I even tried to explain why I was doing pretty bad the last couple of weeks, but he wouldn't have it. He cleared his throat as well and shifted as his gaze darted anywhere other than me. "Yeah, uh sorry. It looks like I.. woke you up?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.
"Oh, no I was getting ready." The lie flowed smoothly from my mouth. "But what did you want?"
Finally looking at my face he replied in a more professional manner, "Yes sorry. I just wanted to apologize personally about what happened Monday. It was out of line, the things I said, and if you would still have it, your job is still on the table for you anytime. Also..." he shifted even more uncomfortable now. "I, I heard about what happened." My eyes bugged out and my mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. How the hell did he find out? Oh yeah, that bitch works there too. Suddenly my face hardened. "Oh, oh! Oh no, no I'm sorry I- shit get it together!" He breathed a deep breath calming himself. "I don't mean that the reason that I want you back is because I feel bad, I mean... FUCK!" Startled I stepped back a bit. It was so uncanny of him to be so flustered. He was usually so together. "I'm sorry. Heh, I guess I kind of understand why you were acting the way you were for a couple of weeks. I mean look at me now. Anyways, I just wanted to say, I fired her. She started rumors around the office and I overheard her gossiping about what she did. I don't tolerate that kind of thing and I'm sorry that I didn't realize you had to work with her after she did that. I should've been a better boss. But my offer still stands and... you were also my best worker." He gave me a halfhearted, lopsided smile.
I'm sure by now I was no longer attractive since my eyes were practically out of their sockets and my mouth dry and housing flies from being open too long. "I... I'm not sure what to say, I mean working there was hell, but I did enjoy the work I did."
He cocked his head to the side. "Why was it hell?" I ran my hand down my face as I realized he had no idea.
"Come in for a bit." He shifted again eyes darting left and right. "Oh come in! It would be weirder if we stood on my porch all day with me in a robe and you in a suit!" I said exasperated and thankful that I cleaned since I've just been moping about. Finally deciding to enter my humble abode, I saw that he was fairly tall and even good looking. I'd never taken the time to really look at him since my eyes were usually adverted downwards or elsewhere while he was yelling.
"You can go finish changing." His voice startled me. I looked down and remembered I was in fact still in my robe and also 100% naked. I'm sure I was a chameleon by now since my eyes kept bugging out. Excusing myself after leading him into the living room, I rushed to my bedroom. Throwing on some underwear, tights and a v-neck, I fixed my hair quickly and walked back out. "Sorry about that."
"Not at all, I came uninvited. You have a nice home." I nodded a thanks and offered him something to drink. As we settled in I couldn't help but feel paranoid. I was still extremely frustrated from not having sex in months and now I'm at my limit. I could barely focus on why he was here, but all I kept thinking was going out and riding me some good, fine ass, dick. "Bri, hello?" A hand was waving, trying to get my attention.
"Yes, sorry. So your question was: 'Why is work hell?' Well, it's kind of long. I'm not sure if you have time?" I saw him glance at the clock behind me.
"It's alright I have time." After that I tried to break the news to him as gently, yet firmly as I could. I wanted him to know that I understood why he acted like he did at the office, but didn't condone it. After about an hour of talking he let out a long sigh. Halfway through he became more relaxed and even loosened his tie and unbuttoned a few from his shirt. "Wow, I - I don't even know what to say to that. Was I seriously like that?" Nodding in affirmation, I could see his chest from where he unbuttoned his shirt. Deep breaths Bri. Don't show him your inner hoe. He is your boss, but damn is he fucking f-i-n-e! Hmhm! I could eat him whole. I noticed his eyes were trained on me. "Are you feeling okay? You look like you have a fever."
"I'm fine thank you for your concern." In truth I was trying not to dry hump my boss and rip his shirt to shreds.
"You don't need to be cordial with me. You just spilled everyone's secret hate." He chuckled a bit. Leaning back farther into the couch, I saw a different side of him. It was nice.
"It's refreshing to see you so relaxed. Shit, when I first saw you I thought my life was over." I gasped as I realized what I'd said. "Oh sorry! I don't mean-"
The loudest laughter rang throughout my house. There also must be something wrong with my eyes since they could hardly grasp what was happening in front of me. He was laughing. Laughing! I have never seen him laugh, but damn was it sexy. The lines gathered around his eyes, and his pearly whites shone through thick, red lips. He wiped a tear from his eye and said, "I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. Also you shouldn't be apologizing for your language or what you said since I just yelled 'fuck' outside your house, plus I've been an ass." I sighed with relief, but then I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore. I laughed so hard my sides started to cramp and I fell over on my side of the couch. "Ah, I don't- I don't think I've ever seen you seem so flustered until today! I was so surprised and yet you keep surprising me! I keep thinking my eyes must be like a chameleons they keep widening out in shock!" I said between laughs. Again his just busted out laughing and this time I laughed with him. We kept going, laughing off of each other for a good 10 minutes. When I finally calmed down long enough to breathe properly, I realized we were leaning against each other. Our breathing was erratic due to laughing. I reached for my glass of water to chug and saw his was empty. "I'll be right back." As I grabbed his glass I headed to the kitchen to fill it up. I didn't notice him behind me until I felt his body press against mine.
"Hey..." He leaned in closer, his whole body against mine as I shivered from wanting it. "Are you trying to seduce me?" Confused I turned to look at him. As I opened my mouth to ask what he meant when his pointed down to my chest. Looking down I saw that the v-neck I threw on. It was an old worn out one that was loose except for the band at the waist. Almost my whole bra was showing except the strap and it moved to the side to where my nipple was showing. Face red and embarrassed, I stuttered for an answer as I frantically went to cover myself. "I'm sorry, I - this is an old shirt and I - fuckkk me! Why! Sorry I'll go change! Eek! I can't believe he saw that!" He grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving the kitchen. I heard him chuckle, but I couldn't meet his eyes. As much as I'm dying to have sex, that is not how I want things to start out. He backed me up until I was against the fridge and him. "You're not going anywhere. I could forgive you for answering the door in a robe, but this..." He pointed at my chest. "Is making my push my limits." Confused I replied, "I answered the door in a hurry, I wasn't expecting company, and this was an accident." I said gesturing to my shirt. "Besides, what do you care? Just forget it happened and we can move on." I tried moving away, but he kept me in place.
"I care because you're a beautiful woman Bri. I care because you should be more aware of your surroundings. If it wasn't me, some guy could've easily taken advantage of you. As I said I'm at my limit."
My head was spinning trying to decipher what he was trying to say to me. "Thank you, but as a woman I know all to well about the world out there and how to be aware of it." A little offended by his comment I shoved him aside and walked back to the living room.
"I mean no offense Bri, but as I've said twice I'm at my limit with you so you should watch out." I got wet every time he called my name. Inner hoe calm down! Stop getting horny, you'll get some dick later tonight.
"What're you even babbling about!? The limit of what? If you don't want me to come back to work just say that instead of beating around the bush." Oh I bet he could beat a bush. *Wink wink* I heard a frustrated sigh and then I was suddenly on the couch.
"Listen Bri and listen good because I'm only going to say this once. I've been watching you since I hired you - not in a weird way - the way you handled customers caught my attention and I found myself drawn to you. Your natural beauty, talent, and way with words always left my breathless. By the time I got the courage to try and talk to you person to person, I found out you had a boyfriend so I backed off. Part of the reason I fired you was so that we no longer would have an employee/employer relationship. I wanted more. To be honest I was more than happy to find out you broke up with that douche, but the way it happened made me sick. I fired that bitch because of the things she did, but also because of what she did to you. You deserve better than that."
Was this a dream? I had no idea of what he said was true or if I should pinch myself. I did just that, but I felt the pain and it was real.
"You don't need to think right now, just feel." Before I could respond his lips crashed on mine. It was slow, but hungry. With a sense of longing I kissed him back feverishly. Trying to speed up the process I pulled him down on top of me, but he forced me to slow down. "I said feel." Giving in, I felt everything.

A/N: Don't worry my lovelies this isn't the end! It's erotica after all! But this is also a short story erotica😉 so make sure you have your towels ready and dildos at hand for the next chapter. *kisses* Love you! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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