Chapter 19

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"Jesus fucking christ," Namjoon says the next morning, when he walks into the bedroom and surveys the damage. He wrinkles his nose as the smell hits him. "What the hell happened in here last night?"

Jungkook cracks open an eyelid. His entire body is sore from being slammed on too many surfaces, and he's pretty sure he won't be able to walk properly for a while, but other than that, god, he's so sated.

"So both Jungkookie and Jiminnie went into heat," Taehyung pipes up, and Namjoon almost falls off the stepladder. Jungkook buries his face in the blankets, curling up as small as he can go, Jimin snuggling into him, arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist.

"Oh," Namjoon says, after a very long pause. "Oh, I see."

"Must be a side effect of doing the morph while still conscious, or without having the inducements," Jimin mutters, running a hand through messy hair. "We both got ours right after our transformations."

"Does it feel any different from your usual induced heats?" Namjoon asks, closing the trapdoor and sitting down at the foot of their bed. "Weaker? Stronger? Longer?"

"Well," Taehyung says, glancing at Jimin and Jungkook with a sly grin. After Jimin's knot had released itself and he could pull out of Jungkook, he and Taehyung had gone a second round, Jungkook still recovering from coming multiple times, his ass still sore from being stretched out by Jimin's cock. It had been a strange experience, lying on the bed right next to Jimin and Taehyung, watching his heat partner of four years get fucked in the ass by the Canidae who'd just knotted inside him, but it had also been so right. Like it was always meant to be this way. After Taehyung had come all over the blankets, hands scrabbling against the walls, Jimin buried in his ass from behind, Jimin had come to Jungkook again, and they'd gone a second round, this time with Jimin sucking Jungkook off twice before picking him up and fucking him against the wall, coming inside Jungkook with a shudder. "Let's just say things got a little more slippery and knotty than usual."

"Huh?" Namjoon narrows his eyes at the three of them. "Explain?"

"I never..." Jungkook murmurs into the blanket. "I never self-lubricate, but... I did, and then... Jimin knotted inside me."

"And I'm still in a rut," Jimin says, drawing Jungkook and Taehyung in close. "Hah. Feels like it might last for a couple of days."

"Shit, it seems like you take on the pack rankings of your Base animal too," Namjoon remarks, face lighting up. "Wow. Wow, we'd only hypothesized about this, but to think... Jungkook, yours must've been an Omega, and Jimin's an Alpha. This is fascinating."

"Fascinating my ass," Jungkook growls, closing his eyes. The heat is coming back, winding up again, coiling in his lower belly, and Jungkook lets out a whine, pressing up against Jimin, eyes beseeching. Jimin growls, blue eyes flashing in reaction, and Taehyung bursts out laughing. "Fuck, fuck."

Namjoon holds his hands up, jumping off the bed. "Oops. Guess I'll leave you guys alone for a couple of days. Uhm. Let me know if you need anything?"

"Some chill would be nice," Taehyung says, giving Namjoon a cheery wave as Jimin flips Jungkook over, straddling him and sucking hickeys along Jungkook's bruised neck. "Or not. Too late."

"Oh, and for the love of god," Namjoon mutters, as Jungkook's cock twitches, precum spurting out the tip, "please do not get stains on my bedding." 

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