Chapter 28- Thursday

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After the parade and ceremony, the team decided to rent out a hotel ball room and throw a personal party and dinner. Jonathan and I went back to his house, before going to my house to pick up a dress. We also had lunch with our parents and Corey at my house.

After lunch, Jonathan and I went back to his house to catch up on The Arrow, before the dinner.

After it turned six o'clock, I slipped on my dress along with a necklace and some magenta heels. 

I braided one side of my hair and tucked the end of the braid under my free flowing hair

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I braided one side of my hair and tucked the end of the braid under my free flowing hair. Then I put on a light bit of makeup, and spritzed my perfume. Once I was dressed, Jonathan came over, dressed in a pair of khakis and a dress shirt, and he pressed a kiss to my cheek, as he looked at the both of us standing together, in the mirror.

He put his hands on my shoulder and said, "I can't get over the fact that we're engaged"

I smiled at him and said, "And we're getting married in July. That's one month away" Jonathan looked at my ring and said, "I think I might faint" I chuckled in response and said, "Come on, we have a dinner to attend" He locked arms with me and we made our way to the truck again. Then we drove to the dinner. 

We ate, had a good time, and we danced together, me helping Jonathan with his steps most of the time. I guess you could consider it a dance lesson for our wedding dance.

During the dinner, we dropped the bomb of getting married in July. Everybody was elated, especially our closest friends and our families. Jonathan asked Corey to be his best man, and I asked Bailey over Skype, since she and Shea went back home by then, to be my maid of honor. I also asked the rest of our group, the original other three, to be my bridesmaids. Jonathan lined up his groomsmen as Kaner, Duncan,  and Sharpie.

Soon after that, we went home. We went up to bed, maybe had sex, or maybe not... Then went to bed.


Three weeks had gone by since then. Jonathan had been leaving early in the mornings, telling me he was helping Patrick with some stuff at the gym. I didn't want to go, so I stayed home.

On a Thursday morning though, I started to feel heavy in the stomach. I quickly raced to the toilet knowing the familiar feeling. I coughed up the contents of my stomach and then sat with my back against the bathroom wall.

I checked my temperature. Nothing. I wasn't sick per say.

Then I tried to recall if I ate anything that could've been bad the last few day? Nope.

I kept trying to think of an answer. Then I remembered one key detail. Jonathan and I got really drunk a few days after the wedding announcement... Did we have sex? Have I had my period this month? Yes, and nope.

My eyes widened and shock and I couldn't help but feel really nervous. The wedding was next week. Everything was planned and perfect. And now this?!

I jumped off the floor of Jonathan's bathroom. I wasn't spending much time at my house, for obvious reasons. I sprinted outside and down a few blocks. I ran into the closest convenient store and searched the isles, finally finding what I was looking for. I picked one up and ran home again. Once I got home I made my way back to the bathroom and opened the box. I read the directions and did as instructed.

Once finished, I set the stick on the bathroom sink, to wait the few minutes. I knew I wasn't going to do any good by panicking, so instead I decided to clean. After waiting a few minutes I ran back to see the results. I took a deep breath and looked at the stick closely. 

Two lines. 

I dropped the stick and gasped. I quickly picked up my phone and called Bailey. She answered and I immediately yelled, "I need you here, ASAP. I will fly you here and back, but I really need you right now" She could sense the panic in my voice and she quickly agreed to come but questioned if I was getting cold feet to the wedding, and that it was completely normal. I quickly shot down that idea and we hung up.

After finishing that call, I called the obstetrician and made an appointment for Saturday.

Jonathan came home and I hid the stick in a shoe box in the closet. I pretended like everything was normal but he caught me off guard when I was tapping my toe nervously during dinner. I quickly shrugged it off and kept up the facade. 


The next day I picked up Bailey from O'Hare and we stayed at my place. I told Jonathan I was having Bailey sleep over, but I also just didn't want to be around him because I knew I was going to break if I had to stay around him any longer.

So when Bailey and I got to my house, I started to explain everything. I told her in a really long sentence, "Jon and I had sex quite a few times after the big win and one of the nights we both were pretty drunk and I'm pretty sure we didn't use a condom or anything that night, and so yesterday I was throwing up so I went and got a pregnancy test and I tested positive but I wanted to make sure, for sure but I didn't want to do it alone and if it's real, then I have a plan to tell him but I just really needed another girl here with me"

Bailey very quickly embraced me and kept me calm, while I was trying not to have a panic attack, considering I didn't feel like being kissed by Bailey.

Once I finished freaking out we sat back, ate some gummy bears, and watched a bunch of chick flicks like 27 Dresses and The Proposal.


The next morning we got up early and ate a quick and easy breakfast. I was to panicked and nervous to drive so I made Bailey. We got there and signed in quickly. Then we waited nervously in the waiting room. When my name was called I abruptly stood up and made my way into the office.

When I came in they handed me the cup to urinate in, so I made my way to the bathroom. I filled it up quickly and brought it back. 

I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. I could hear my heartbeat in my head, and my breathing was quick.

Finally the doctor came back with papers in her hands. Bailey was in the room with me now, and the doctor finally said the big words to me, "Congratulations Ms King, you're pregnant" Bailey and I looked at each other and I was filled with joy. I didn't mean for it to be like this, but I was going to be a mom! I reached for Bailey and pulled her into an embrace. We both grinned and I felt tears of joy prick my eyes.

The obstetrician smiled back and handed me the results. We thanked her and left swiftly. We went back to my house and into my gym, where there was a whiteboard. We proceeded to list different ways to tell everybody. Then we came up with the perfect plan.

I will be dropping the bomb at the wedding. Bailey will be the only one to know, other then me. Everything was set. Now all we needed was the wedding.

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