Roses are red, the closest is dead.

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You pushed me deep in the river and drowned the part of me forever that loved and ever gave a shit about you. Now all that's left for me and you is that we're through. The phone kept ringing on the bedside table but I never picked it up. You were never worth it, now I see the sun will rise above my head and the sotry that once tore me apart will evaporate into thin air. I will become the assassin of your kind, the roses in your eyes will die as my presence approaches your aura.


"Adam stop this. You have to come back to your senses. This is madness." 

" You're wrong Inigo. It was and still is all about power. But you're to weak to even understand this."

"You're mad. Mad I'm telling you. This is not the way, you could create a coven and divide the power and still be the most powerful of them-"

"NO! You just don't get it do you?" his laughter filled the air. The wind picked up and the rain came down even harder. It sounded like water bombs. The clouds were even thicker and blacker than before. You almost couldn't see anything. " All this time, I was tortured, brought down. I was murdered. This time they will be the ones that will feel that same pain." Laughing ringed again and spread out thought space.

"I'm begging you."

" Then why are till standing?" Lightning stroke but it was barely noticed by the two men. 

"I.. I don't... I don't know what you mean."

"Oh really? Well then it looks like you'll be unederstanding very soon."


A valley of roses and violets under the sun's gaze. I woman staring into open space, standing before the meadow. She was about to unleash a dead spirit in hope of finding something of her own.

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