Chapter 1

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Sorry for the long wait. I love all you guys, so don't kill me...Please... you love me. *puppy eyes.

One colour, that's what started all of this. Showing my interest is what made this happen. Being me, was how it began.

The bullying didn't end. Not once did it pause or take a second to stop. It was constant, constant torture. At school and at home.

Stepping out of the main doors of the school, I made my way to the front parking lot. Now, I'm not your average senior and have a swanky car to make me look good. Don't get me wrong if I had that amount of money available, I too would waste it on a car that I'm only gonna use for a quarter of my life. Who wouldn't?

I heaved out a sigh looking at what I couldn't have. I suppose I could just highjack a car. No, too much hassle isn't it? With this thought spinning on my head, I started on my way to the torture chamber; home.

Halfway there the rain started pelting down, hitting my pale skin. Hugging myself to keep warm, I pulled out my headphones to help the time pass quicker. Searching through my playlist, I started to hum the tune to one of my favourite songs.

The rain continued to pelt me with its harsh blades of coldness, turning my skin numb in the process. The song hit its chorus when I just turned the corner down an alleyway, and I just couldn't help myself but dance.

The rain didn't stop me from expressing my emotion. Dancing became an outlet for me, a consort almost. It's a way for me to express and let go of the stresses of the day. That's what years of therapy got me.

Swaying my hips to the beat, I just couldn't get enough of the beat of the song. That would be my downfall. 

But being fully aware of my surroundings, blinded by the beat surging through my body, I didn't notice all my exits were already occupied. 

"Monster, Monster..." I sang out loud, as the song finally ended. The dance had thrown me off guard, taking me completely out of my elements. I leant up against the wall to catch my breath back, taking my headphones out in the process.

Looking up at the dark sky, I became aware of an overpowering presence near me. My breathing increased while I remained completely still. With eyes as wide as dinner plates, I slowly turned my head to the left to look at the end of the alleyway. 

My vision was hazy from the pelting rain hitting me at a tremendous force. I could feel the weight of the heavy liquid resting on my eyelids. Upon clearing my vision, I inspected my surroundings to see...


"Ha. What am I doing with my life?" Pushing off the wall, I continued on my way home, blaming my stupid anxiety. However, once I set off again I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched off of my back. It's times like these that I wish I had eyes in the back of my head. Fuck your biology!

The pressure on my back was growing with every step that I took. The little hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end already. The wind was rushing at an impossible speed past me, sweeping my long hair forwards, shielding my face from looking at my sides as if the heavens didn't want me to look. I could hear my heart beat in my ears and feel it rising at the back of my throat. The sun had gone down, meaning lighting was a limited factor. The chill in the air was not normal and could have been considered a freak weather occurrence.

"What a fine specimen you are" A voice penetrated through the darkness, causing me to stop in my wake and freeze up at the sound. The voice sounded relatively young and refined. The pronunciation of every letter gave away their high class. The voice was clearly a male and almost sounded as if he was mocking me.

The chill in the air had dropped considerably below freezing, and it all seems to be down to the unknown spectre in the shadows. Mustering up all of the courage inside of me, I placed my trembling limbs in a starting position, getting ready to run from the psychotic man. 

The swift motion must have triggered something inside of him because, one moment I'm running for my life and the next, my body is suspended in the air and my air supply is restricted. An increasing pressure was wrapped around my neck, but when I looked down all I could see was my own hands clawing at my bare throat.

A sickening laugh resonated off of the alleyway walls, caging me in like an animal. Looking down, the first thing I saw was the expensive black shoes and the ends of black dress trousers. In the darkness, the only thing I could see was the outline of a well-built stranger. The only source of light is the moon, shining through the trees, casting a soft glow below his knees. 

Gasping for air, I pleaded for my life.

"Please... I beg ... of you... God help me..." I wheezed, gasping for a life source.

What sounded like a long sigh could be heard, only adding to my confusion.

"Honestly, why is it that every single little soul that I encounter has to bring up that scum bag? He isn't going to help you because he's a selfish bastard." Taking a short pause, his voice lost all traces of humour. "Anyway, what make's you think that he'd pay attention to a little human like you?"

In all of that, all I could manage to say was "please...I beg of you..." whilst still trying to hold on to what was left of my life. 

However, as soon as the words had left my mouth, I wished I could take them back instantly. Once hearing my plea, the stranger stepped out of the shadows, revealing his profile.

The stranger, whose name was still unknown to me had dark brown hair, styled almost to perfection. His hair was swept back, not far enough to look like his hair was receding but, not loose enough to cover his dark brown eyes. His jaw was set in stone, with a jawline you could cut yourself on.

"DON'T BEG! WE NEVER BEG. EVEN IF ON THE BRINK OF DEATH. WE! DO! NOT!BEG!" His voice bounced off the walls, piercing my eardrums to the point of no repair. A sudden blow hit me in the gut, making me gasp for more air that I couldn't gain. With the little energy I had left, I looked down to see his retreating hand where a black cane was situated, covered in blood. My blood.

The pain was the only thing I remember from that moment on. Burning deep down in my heart. The pain continued to intensify as the world around me grew taller. It only took me about two seconds to realise that I was falling to the cobbled ground. Upon impact, my head smashed on the floor sending my vision hazy once again, but not from the pelting rain that continued to pour down on my defenceless body, but the sheer force of the stone smashing against my fragile skull.

Landing on my back was a nightmare I could never forget. It might not seem like that big of a deal, but having to stare at the world that you could have done so much in, and the person that took that away looking down at you, you might want to reconsider that opinion.

(Start song in media now)

With one final breath, I asked to the retreating figure one last question, that I was sure I wished I didn't ask.

"What's going to h-happen to me?" I struggled to say, blood seeping out of my mouth, literally coughing my guts up.

The man that will surely be my murderer, lowered his face to hover over mine, a slight smirk spread across his face.His hand reached towards me, and if I could I would flinch at the contact from someone I barely know, but that would require energy I don't have. He swept a loose strand of my long brown hair behind my ear. " Well my dear, that's all up to you. Are you a sinner or a saint? Although, if I know you, I already knew my answer" He said in that mocking voice he seems so fond of. 

Getting up, he picked up his discarded cane, correcting his ruffled attire and started on his way out of the alley. The sight of his retreating figure in the moonlight was all that I saw before I plunged into a world of darkness and unknown oblivion.

-Amy X-





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