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                My name is Anna Hope and I live in a world where the Evo and the other human are equal. After Nathan and Malina Bennet saved the world, no one was scared about the Evo anymore. There are still people who hate them but unfortunately, racism is a common thing in the world. The only important thing is that Evo and humans have equal rights. They can show their powers to the other and help them with it. They can live a normal life without having to hide a part of them. I'm happy to know I don't need to fear my power but my parents don't want me to tell the other people I'm an Evo.

My power is not really useful. I can make fictional character real. When I read a book, or watch television, or anything, I can make the character get out of it and talk to me. They're all kind with me and they do what I want them to. I can also make them go back in the book easily, just by thinking it. about that. But people around me already hate me just because they want to, I don't want to be hate because I can have imaginary friend.

I should have had a pretty cool life, but I don't. People at my school hate me since a long time because I was not as slim as the other. And sadness and stress made me want to eat even more. People make fun of me because I'm too shy to fight back. The only thing I want is to have friends, but no one wants to be my friend. At first, I thought if I agreed with the other people, they were going to accept me as I was. But bullies don't want friend like me, they want victim to make them feel powerful. How harsh would they be if I told them I was an Evo?

I'm not ashamed of what I am, I have a good power. But I'm not happy like I am. And no one can really help me until I have confidence in myself. I wish I was loved like Tommy Clark is. I wish people loved me for who I am. I wish I was a character from the stories I read. I wish I was really happy for once in my life. I wish I had a guardian angel.

But I shouldn't have wished so hard.

/// A.N ///

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my story. It's a mix between my life, Peter Pan (the one of Once Upon A time) and Heroes Reborn (well, there is only going to be Tommy Clark and maybe his mother).

So, this story is based on my life which means the people in my school are real people. The bullying is true and what will happen at school in the story really happened to me when I was at school (unless the things related to Peter and Tommy).

All the names are true but not the last name. My name and my family's name are false. Well, my grandmother called my mom Natasha when she was young, and my aunt still call her brother (my father) Alan.

I own everyone, unless Peter Pan (all rights to Once Upon A Time), Tommy Clark and Anne Clark (all rights to Heroes Reborn).

Last thing I need to say: Bullying is a crime. In France, where I live, bullies can go to prison and pay a fine.

I was bullied all my childhood and I was too scared to say anything, I was waiting for my bullies to hurt me physically so I could make it stop. But psychological harassment is as bad as hurting someone physically. If you're victim of bullying, talk to someone who can help you. Don't wait for the bullying to stop because it will be too late. I didn't say anything for the four years in which the bullying was the worse. Nowadays, I shiver when I see my old school or the people who were there, Shy is not strong enough to describe me but you will never see me start a conversation even with someone I know, and I never want to go out with friends I have. I'm only comfortable with my family and a few friends. Please, don't be like me and talk to someone. You can even talk to me if you want. With all the time I was with my psychiatrist, I know exactly how to make you feel better.

If you're bullied, remember you haven't done anything wrong, you just don't look or think like everyone else. Bullies think the only way to be someone is by crushing the other, but you can only be you if you believe in you and if you believe you're perfect the way you are.

Now, I shut up with my humanist speech and let you read the story. Tommy will not appear until at least the chapter 5 but Peter will be here from the beginning. Thanks again for reading my story, it means a lot to me.

I love you all <3

PS: Yep, the author note is longer than the prologue. I'm really talkative.

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