Chapter 4

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It's been a week now since Duncan's death. I didn't saw Peter, or any fictional character, or any policeman. I didn't see anyone in fact, unless my family. My brother and my parents took me away for the week-end and it was really cool. I didn't think about anything, I didn't see anyone, I just enjoyed my family. My sister stayed with us a lot of time, by Skype, because she couldn't come home. But she promised me she would come back soon and we would have a day just her and I doing nothing but watching movies, eating and painting our nails. My parents want me to go back to school, but only when I'm sure I'm ready. I told them I was going to go tomorrow. Maybe it's too soon, but I still need to go to school. I want to graduate and go to university, where I won't have to see the bullies again.

"Hey Jimmy, do you know where I put my phone?"

"You left it in your room, idiot."

Yep, this is my brother. He calls me Jimmy, don't even ask him why, and I call him idiot, because he is one. He comes back with his phone and sit on my bed.

"Come in Ian, you don't bother me at all"

"That's great, because we need to talk."

"About what?"

"You told mum and dad you were going to school tomorrow. You're sure you're ready,"

"I will never graduate if I don't go to school."

"But after what you saw last week, it's perfectly normal to don't want to go to school. The boy was going to the same school as you, isn't it?"

"Yep, I knew it. And we weren't exactly friend."

"But you knew him. And the people you will saw tomorrow, they knew him too."

"Look, I know it's going to be difficult but I have to try. And if I can't do it, I'll just have to come home."

"If you don't feel well tomorrow, you can call me, ok?"

"I will. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Jimmy."

I chuckle and hug him. He can be the best brother when he wants to. I try to sleep peacefully but I don't succeed. I keep thinking about Peter. At least he understood I needed time alone. But I'm also afraid of what he's doing now, and what he's going to do next. I wake up to my mother stroking my hair.

"Good morning honey. Did you sleep well?"

"Not really. But I'm ready to finally get out of this house."

"You're sure?"

"Don't worry mum. If anything happens, I'll call you."

I smile at her and get up. I'm not sure I'm ready to go to school, but I want to go outside for once. And with all the people around me, Peter will never show himself. The second I enter the school, I feel all the looks on me. They probably heard Duncan's death from the news. I try to avoid everyone's look and go sit with Sandy, Alisson and Julie. I hate two of them but I don't want to be alone right now.

"How are you Anna?"

"Fine and you?"

"Where were you last week?"

"I was sick, Julie."

"Did you heard about Duncan? It's horrible. He was our friend."

"I don't know who would kill a boy like this. He was so kind with everyone."

I know it's horrible to say bad thing on dead people but he was not a kind boy. I don't say anything because I don't have anything nice to say.

"Do you know who did that?"

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