Chapter 1

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Jesse had just finished his latest shift at the radio station. He let the door slam shut behind him, hoisting his rug sack onto his back. Today had been an eventful day, to say the least, between the Trebles performance, the radio shift and Beca shouting at him Jesse felt like he was ready to pass out from exhaustion. He couldn't even be bothered to text Benji to let him know he was on his way back. Finally, Jesse zipped up his hoodie and started to walk across the quad towards his dorm.


Beca didn't know how she had gotten under the tree on the quad. She couldn't remember, she didn't want to. The events of the day kept replaying back in her mind, forcing her to down more of the delicious supplement she grasped in her hand. "I don't need them anyways." She yelled, more to herself than anyone else. "I'm better off on my own, by myself. That's how I like it. Urg! Stupid cows! Well, no, not so much them, it's more Aubrey." She continued to rant. "I mean who does she think she is?" Beca shook her head and took another gulp from the bottle, that was now half empty. "Hi, I'm Aubrey, I think I'm so fucking perfect. Look at me, with my perfect hair, my perfect smile and my sickening voice!" Beca did her best Aubrey impression before snorting out a laugh.

She continued to laugh at her 'brilliant' Aubrey impersonation. Soon the bottle in her hand was tossed aside when she realised she'd bled it dry. That's when the tears started to form in her eyes. Great! She thought Her come the waterworks. Man up, Mitchell! You don't cry. You never cry, stop being a wuss. She violently scrubbed her eyes to stop any tears falling down her face. "I'm fine by myself!" She yelled, again, for about the fifth time that night. "I don't need anyone..." She mumbled to herself.

She was now huddled under the tree. Beca's legs were close to her chest with her arms wrapped around them, her head resting on her knees, her eyes closed now. There were several street lamps on, around the quad, that illuminated the night life around her. She sniffled, again forcing back the tears that threatened to fall. Suddenly, the light was blocked out by someone standing over her.

"Beca?" She would know that voice anywhere, she didn't have to open her eyes to know that voice. Beca didn't respond. She couldn't speak to him. Not after the way she had treated him earlier and especially since she had been drinking. "Beca, come on. Talk to me. It's me, Jesse." Why was he so nice? Surly anyone else who had spoken to her the way she had spoken to Jesse would have left her to rot under the tree all night cursing herself. "Come on Mitchell, I'm not moving until you tell me what you're doing under a tree at midnight. Are you hoping it will turn into a carriage and whisk you away to the ball? Because I'm sorry to tell you, princess, that only happens with pumpkins." Again, he was being so nice. So, sweet. So, Jesse.

"I'm fine. Le- Leave me alo- alone." Between the hiccupping and the sniffling, she managed to string a sentence together.

"Oh yeah, I can see that. You're totally fine. That's why you're under a tree crying and drinking, is it? Who would have thought the badass Beca Mitchell could cry. Wow!" Beca glared up at him but still didn't retaliate back.

With a thud Jesse dropped his backpack down on the ground beside the tree before sitting down next to her. He wanted to help her, to hold her, to take away her pain. He knew, deep down, that he shouldn't even be speaking to her after the way she tore into him earlier but he couldn't help it. This was Beca Mitchell, his Beca, and she was suffering and it broke his heart.

"Come on Bec, it's me. The guy who has all the fun facts." He was trying to make her laugh or even to get a smile off her but her head was now back hidden in her knees. Silent. Jesse didn't know what he was going to do and before he could talk again Beca spoke up.

"Why are you like this? Why are you even here, Jesse?" Her questions had shocked him, after all he was asking about her and she was now asking about him.

"Well, Mitchell, I guess it's because I care about you. I am allowed to ya know."

She looked up at him. "I know, idiot. I just mean- After the way- the way I spoke to you. You-You should be mad. Furious even!" Was this her trying to apologise to him? "What I mean is..." She hiccupped again but continued. "What I mean is... Uh! Jesse what I did, what I said back there was a massive dick move. I'm... I'm... Sorry." The sorry came out in a little squeak and if he wasn't holding onto her every word he would of surly missed it.

"Beca-" Jesse turned towards her before resting his arm around her shoulder. He noticed her eyes light up at the touch. "I'm not going to lie to you... What you did today was really a dick move but right now that's not important. You need me and don't you dare say you don't because you're sat under a tree, in the cold, it's kinda obvious. Now, why are you sat here? Why aren't you in your dorm or with the Bella's?" His fingers started to play with her hair, absentmindedly.

"Well for starters my dorm has that evil witch that I have to call a roommate, remember? The Bella's? Oh, yeah, that isn't a thing anymore. Well I mean it is. I'm just not- just not in it... Anymore. Before I screamed at you Aubrey was screaming at me about changing the set..." Jesse could see Beca was getting into a fluster. He stopped playing with her hair and pulled her into a hug.

"Here, I think you need that." He replied in response to her sudden freeze when he hugged her. "Come on drunky, let's get you back to your dorm." Jesse chuckled and grabbed his backpack. With his free arm, he supported Beca as she swayed to and fro.

Wow, Beca had never noticed before how strong Jesse was. I mean, he was basically supporting the whole of her. She could feel his toned arms on her back, as they walked back through the quad. Beca! She quipped herself Shut up! You can't think things like that. That is dangerous territory. I mean come on, he's your friend. Plus, you're full of alcohol so this means nothing. Come on focus on walking. That's it! One foot in front of the other. One foot, a second foot. One arm, one toned, tanned arm. Jesse's arm. Around you. No! Stop it! I'm serious!

Just as Beca was mentally cursing herself so was Jesse. Gosh, the way she fits around my arm. I mean it's perfect, she perfect. Nope! Yes! She feels cold. You stupid idiot! You should give her your jacket. I mean imagine it: Little Beca Mitchell wearing your jacket, it'll be way too big for her, she will look adorable. Cute. Sexy. No! Jesse, stop! Dangerous territory.

"Are you cold?" Jesse's voice cut through the clouded thoughts in Beca's mind.

She coughed, trying to regain what little composure she had left. Her throat had gone dry at the thought of Jesse's arms. "Y-yes. But just a little. I'll be fine." She managed to say. Jesse stopped walking, making Beca stop in the process, whilst he unzipped his jacket and wrapped it round Beca.

"Sorry, I know it's big but at least you'll be warm now." Before Beca could mumbled a thank you his arm was back around her, although now it was around her waist. As soon as he touched her there it sent shock waves up and down her spine. Both of them had realised what had happened but neither individuals protested in any way. Even as they walked Beca slowly edged herself closer to him. For warmth, of course. Beca told herself. They eventually made it to the building and walked inside, out of the cold night air.

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