Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey guys! So, I'm not so proud of this chapter and don't know how I feel about it but I hope you enjoy it! – Livv!

They eventually arrived outside Beca's dorm. Beca tried to open the door before laughing "It's locked." She stated.

"Do you have your key?" Beca paused before delving into the bag that rested on her hip. It took her a few minutes before she pulled the key out and waved it in front of Jesse's face.

"Look what I haveeee!" She sang in a pure sing song voice. Jesse couldn't help but chuckle at Bec. This was the first time he had seen her drunk, completely, and it was a little frightening. Beca finally opened the door. It swung open and Beca soon went with it. She collapsed onto the floor, laughing like a maniac. Her hair in disarray. "How did I get down here?" She laughed out. "Why are you up there?"

Jesse just shook his head and held out a hand to help Beca up. She accepted it and he lifted her off the floor. She was as light as a feather. "Come on Beca, I think you need some coffee and then it's straight to bed."

"You can't tell me what to do, you're not my dad!" That was the only protest he got because she let him lead her over to her bed before she dropped down on it, laughing again.

"Okay, Beca, look at me." She stopped laughing and put on a straight face. "I'm going to get you some coffee, while I'm gone please get changed and be careful." He looked over to Kimmy-Jin's bed and saw it was empty. "Hey, where is the witch?"

"How am I supposed to know? I wasn't here. Ooo, that means you're alone in my room. My, my, my Jesse. How times have changed." Jesse ignored her comments but a slight blush was creeping onto his face.

"I won't be long." He said on his way out the door.


Jesse arrived back with the coffee fifteen minutes later. He hoped Beca would be dressed by the time he walked back in. He knocked on the door but didn't hear a response from the other side so he walked in. "Hey?"

Beca was sprawled on her bed, one hand over her face whilst the other was holding the shirt she was wearing. Her legs were dangling over the edge of the bed and he couldn't help but laugh because they didn't reach the floor. She had one boot off, which was half way across the room whilst her other boot was still on. So, it looked like she had started to change before she had passed out.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." He called over to her before setting the coffee down on the desk. Beca murmured a little but didn't wake. "Beca?"

She moaned again. Come on, just nudge her a little. That ought to wake her, right? He thought to himself so that's what he did. He nudged her, about three times using more force with each nudge.

"Huh?!" Beca sprung up from her 'nap' and looked around the room. "Heeeey, it's Jesseeee!" She moved the hair out of her eyes. "What are you doing in my room, weirdo?"

"I went to get coffee, remember? You were supposed to be changing. Come on." He helped her up off her bed, taking her over to her wardrobe. "Pick something so you can start changing, when you're finished there is coffee on the desk for you." Beca picked out a long t-shirt, plain black, and a pair of black joggers to go with it.


After a lot of struggling and swearing, on Beca's part, she was finally changed into her nightwear. Jesse felt like a naughty school boy when Beca was changing, although he was a perfect gentleman and took to looking out the window with his back to her so she could change. When she had finished, she tapped him on the shoulder and asked "What do you think?" Dragging her arms down her body so he could take in her slightly dishevelled appearance. Dishevelled, but cute! He just laughed at her, handing her the now luke-warm coffee.

"I know! Let's watch a movie!" Her eyes were alight with joy as she drained the caffeinated drink from the plastic cup.

"Beca, you need to sleep." Beca pouted her lips and crossed her arms. God, why did she have to drive him crazy?! He thought. Ah! Don't pout and sulk it makes you irresistible. Dude! Snap out of it, pull yourself together.

"I don't wanna sleep." She said in the voice of a toddler. Her arms were still crossed. "I wanna watch a movie. Come on Swanson, you always say I need to watch mo-more movies. Please!" She pleaded with him. How could he say no to someone who was so perfect? He couldn't and that was that.

"Okay, one movie and then you need to sleep." Beca clapped and bared her teeth with an adorable smile. Sending Jesse's heart into overdrive.


Soon, the pair were in their usual movie-cation positions and The Breakfast Club was playing through the speakers. Beca had insisted that they watch it all the way through this time because she wanted to see it. Jesse didn't know whether this was Beca speaking or the drunk her but he let it slide and put it in anyways.

Beca's eyelids were slowly closing. She forced them open just as quickly as they shut again. They must have been about half an hour into the movie and as much as she wanted to stay up and see how it ended her body wasn't having any of it. The coffee and alcohol were wearing off, leaving a very tired and drained Beca in its place.

She wanted to sleep. She cuddled up closer to Jesse and he slowly put his arm around her, keeping her in place. She sighed a happy content sigh before drifting off to sleep.


A little close to half one in the morning Jesse looked down at Beca to see her small form breathing evenly in and out. Peaceful. He knew she would fall asleep she always does when a movie is on. Jesse slowly eased the laptop off his legs, with his free hand, and again looked down at Beca.

Even when she is drunk she looks gorgeous. This time he didn't curse himself at the thought as no one was around to see his face flash red with the anticipation of being caught. A few stray curls had rested themselves over her face and he ever so lightly reached over and tucked them behind her ear. A smile formed on her face at his touch and Jesse's heart took flight again. All she has to do is smile and my head starts to swim. How? Her breathing was still even and as much as Jesse could watch her he knew he had to move her into a more comfortable position.

He carefully moved his arm from around her shoulder, as to not wake her, and straightened himself out. Oh god! Now you've got to move her... How am I going to be able to do this? Man up and get it over with. Come on. It's just Beca Mitchell, your FRIEND Beca Mitchell. He shook his head. You can do this!

He lifted Beca's arms up so they wrapped around his neck. Wow! Her hair smelt like summer fruits. No, focus! As he started to move her towards her pillow Beca's grasp on his neck tightened. Crap! What was he going to do now? Jesse took hold of her hands and started to un-grip them from his neck but as soon as he moved Beca started to moan.

"No. Stay!" Was she aware this is what she was saying? Was she asking Jesse to stay? Was this in her dream or meant for him? Jesse didn't know.

"I will, you just need to lie down Beca. Come on." At the sound of his soothing voice Beca let her grip loosen on his neck and she was soon tucked up in a blanket he had found at the bottom of her bed.

Jesse opened the door to her room before Beca shouted him back. "Jesse? Stay! Please. I don't want to be alone tonight." Was she aware that she was saying this? Jesse dumped his bag back on the floor and grabbed a few pillows off Kimmy-Jin's bed.

"Alright, just for tonight though Mitchell. We don't want this to become a regular thing." Beca smiled before her light breathing became more deep. Jesse sighed before soon drifting off. What was he going to do with her?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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