My Valentine Yakuza (BxB)

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I know, I know, My Last Wish hasn't been updated yet and all of a sudden I'm writing a new story?

Please humor me! hehehe ;) So here's a new story I hope you all will like and even might love! So~~~~

Comment! Vote! And suggest *all good things, all good things!*

Ok! Read on ladies and gents!


Chapter 1 :  He meets the King. He meets the Queen.

My name's Robin D. Grayson.

Yeah, laugh, Batman and Robin wohoo~ play the Batman theme song or somethin' or maybe Teen Titans

But I'm not anywhere as special though.

Well, I do have black shoulder-length hair, weird cat shaped blue eyes, and pale skin but to tell you frankly, I'm just average.

It also doesn't help that in my family I'm the runt of the litter, the odd man out, the cast away. Hell, I'm only 5'5 and I look like a midget compared to just about everyone in my family. I'm not even exaggerating people.

My parents are around 6 foot, my two older brothers, Max and Lloyd and both around 6'5 and even my younger sister is around 5'9 and she's still growing.

And of course they all just had to be fuckin' beautiful and have the typical green eyed sandy brown windblown fashionable hair and envious physic and to top it all off they just have to be wonderfully intelligent and enrolled in a prestigious academy while I, who didn't even reach the passing point by half a mile, got stuck in the neighboring public high school and still struggling to pass my classes with a C-. Perfect. Just effin' perfect.

Yup. This is who I am.

The average kid, in an average school, in a not so average family.

And a few weeks from now, the most dreaded day of the year will come.

Fucking Valentine's Day.

No offence to ya St. Valentine but seriously? A day that's mostly for couples? oh come on.

You just had to rub the salt on an open wound didn't you?

Heart shaped stuff everywhere and every corner is just filled with couples cuddling and snuggling and kissing.

God, P.D.A. much?


And you know what's worse?

Being the only gay guy in the whole stupid school.

You'd think that with a population of roughly a thousand students there'd be even just one other gay guy.

But nope.

It's just me.

"Hey, Robin, stop spacin' out will ya? Robin D. Grayson you better not have been spacin' out all this time! hey!"

My brunette bestest friend in the whole fuckin world snapped her fingers at me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm listenin' Kay, you and your boyfriend's plans for Valentines Day right?"

"Oh goodie, I thought since you were spacin' out so much that you were creatin' a glitch on the space time continium or something," she said dryly, rolling her black eyes at me. Kay Richards, my BFF is a short girl, around an inch or so shorter than me, has pearly white skin and twinkling dimples at one side of her cheek.

She may seem cute and pretty and all but watch out! Behind those braces is a tongue that drips sarcasm like a snake's venom.

She could even pull-off the petite delicate look without looking like a dork, like somebody I know.

My Valentine Yakuza     (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now