Chapter Seven

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I ran towards the RollerCoaster of Death and almost hopped up and down with excitement. It has been ages since I last came here!

The amusement park was one of my top ten must visits and I absolutely enjoyed it here! I knowww it's lame but dang if it'd stop me from enjoying my time with Cain. I shuffled from one foot to the other, waiting impatiently for Cain to catch up, slowpoke!

We had been here for an hour now and we already went to the Horror House, which had cliched stuff, not enough to make me scream! See? I regained my manliness! some levels... Oh and we went to the Hall of Mirrors afterwards we were just wandering around. He told me alot about himself. Well, at least enough I suppose. He liked dogs and swore that he couldn't draw for his life, he surprisingly loved sweet stuff and he actually liked the color pink,a he loved Walking Dead  and had a soft spot for Ed sheeran's songs, and some other miscellaneous things.  I realized that he only tells me things about himself on the surface, I was tempted to ask him what his job was and why he looked young but extremely rich, why he wasn't there when I and Kay grew up, and why the hell did he look shady most of the time. No matter how curious I was though, I shut my mouth, not an easy task but I did it 'cause I had the feeling that he wasn't ready to tell me and that I probably am not ready to hear it either so I let it slide and got on with enjoying my day with him which I am extremely eager to do. We were walking around when finally I saw the rollercoaster ride and dashed for it, Cain however opted to walk reeaalll sloww and kept me waiting for him.

I folded my arms and play-pouted at him watching him playfully roll his eyes at me. He was sooo slooowww! When he was a few feet away from me I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the ticket booth but it was pretty much in vain 'cause he just stopped there and no matter how hard I tugged at him he wouldn't let up! Come on! Come on!

"Caiiinn! Come on! The lines gonna get packed soon!" I whined at him.

"Rooobiinn! The Rollercoaster of Death isn't going anywhere!" He whined back at me and chuckled a bit.

I narrowed my eyes at him and his grin just got wider this somehow pissed me off so I stuck my tongue out at him and dashed for the ticket booth again without him.

Not less than a second later Cain was standing beside me again, not even sweating. Ok so he's not slow. Just stubborn. I narrowed my eyes at him and he just shrugged. Cain, the man of shrugs and underlying meanings.

He paid for the tickets and the ticket girl was obviously pulling out all the stops, smiling wider, fluttering her obviously fake thick lashes at him and even squeezing her cheap silicon breasts between her arms, Cain just dismissed her and didn't even give her a second glance as he pulled out a few bills.

I don't know why but I was freaking pissed at her so after she gave him our tickets I gave her the magical american middle-fingered gesture, turned my back and walked towards the gates, I heard a stupid overdramatic gasp and I snickered, served you right bitch.

It took a few seconds for Cain to catch up with me and he had this funny look on his face, like he was struggling not to laugh. I raised a brow at him and shrugged. Ha! See? I can be mysterious and all shruggy too!

"That was..." he was covering his mouth and holding on to his stomach and his face was getting red.


He shook his head 'no'. He better be.

It was finally time for us to get on and I buckled my seatbelts and readied myself for the ride.

Looking to my left I watched Cain buckle in with ease and adjust himself to the small pod. He really is one hunk of a man. He was wearing black dress pants and a white polo shirt, his hair sat on his head mysteriously still and not one hair out of place, gold eyes looked forward and stable hands gripped the safety rod for support. He didn't belong in this place, hell I didn't belong here sitting beside him but here I am. Enjoying a day at the Amusement Park with a man I just barely know anything about.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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