Chapter One: A boy named Naruto

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~Sakura's POV

I walked to the academy, excited for my first day. This is the first step to becoming a ninja, to become stronger. To prove to some people that I am strong.

I was wearing my blue long sleeve shirt and beige shorts. As well as a red ribbon in my short pastel hair. Hence my name.

You must be think right now, what person has pink hair? Well, I do. It's not dyed! If that's what your thinking, it's completely natural.

The next thing you probably thought, who wears a long sleeve shirt in summer? While in fire country?

Well let's just say there are some...things I do not want others to see along my body.

I doesn't really matter if anyone sees my legs, I can pull off excuses like saying that I fell. But if they saw my arms that would be a problem. Then everyone would know about what they do to me.

I entered the yard to see lots of kids playing and having fun with each other.  I smiled at this.

'Maybe this won't be so ba-'

Then I see a mob of kids surrounding a boy with spiky blonde hair. From the looks on their faces they werent being very nice.  Quite the contrary actually, they looked evil and vicious. They more or less looked like predators trapping their prey. I walked closer to see what was going on.

"My Mom says your a monster!" One shouted at him.

I raised a pink eyebrow at this.

Aren't the parents the ones who teach their children to be nice? And yet they are the ones insulting others.

"Your a demon in human skin!" Said another.

My eyebrow is raised higher.

Why exactly are they calling him a demon? What had he done to deserve being called such a horrible name? I do not know.

The blonde boy flinched at their words, clearly hurt. Well of course he is. These people are surrounding him and then yelling cruel words at him.

I looked around to see so many bystanders. Playing games and minding their own business. As if this was the most normal thing in the world. Was this the most normal thing to them? Just how often did this happen?

"You're a freak!"

"A loser!"

The blonde boy winced at each word they spoke, to him it seemed like a punch to the gut. He looked in pain, but not that of physical. Emotional and mental.

"And you of course know how all of those feel" inner spoke with seriousness in her voice. .

I looked around once more, but not a single person seemed to care.

Was no one going to help?

"You should go kill yourself!" A girl yelled.

Does that girl even realize what she just said? What her words truly mean? And what power those words truly possess?

No, I don't believe she does. But that doesn't make any more right. No one has the right to tell someone to take their own life. Not even a friend

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