Chapter Four: "I'm late!"

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"Two people meet, both are late and both come home to something unpleasant. Coincidence, no?"

~Sakura's POV

Once they had vanished from sight I fell to the ground in pain. Clutching my stomach tightly, as I waited for the searing pain to subside.

But it didn't let up, actually it only seemed to worsen. Then I felt a warm liquid against the palm of right hand. The one that had been holding my stomach.

I removed it and gazed up the scarlet liquid. Which could only be blood.

'Oh no, I'm bleeding. Hopefully there's enough gauze at home'

"You call that place a home?" Inner asked.

But I didn't respond, prioritizing other matters instead.

Like I don't know... Maybe all the blood and bruises I happen to be covered in.

But I ignore that too.

I look over towards the building I had seen Naruto run into and scan the various windows. Until my gaze lands on a head of spiky blonde hair.

I smiled.

Naruto was okay....

'At least he's okay, that's all that matters...' I tell myself.

"Yeah that's nice and all but what about YOU?!?" Inner said sarcastically.

'I'm fine just a few scratches'

"You are not fine! You can foul others with that but I am you! I feel everything you do! And no those aren't scratches! I can feel those too!" She protested.

I once again I didn't reply as I began to trudge home slowly. Dragging my leg behind me.

As I walked I was given both curious and shocked looks. But no one made a move to help me. Not even a "are you okay?" But it's not like I would've told the truth anyway.

I continued on, slowly but surely. I see a body walking straight for me and I try to move out of the way but my body is simply to sore to do so.

Not a second after it slammed into me, knocking me off my already precarious balance.

I fell once more, landing flat on my back. Jolts of pain shot through my body at the aggravated bruises. The blood from the cuts began seeping through my shirt, making them visible.

I winced.

I once again try to get up, even when my muscles are screaming at me to stop. My entire body shaking in strain. But I must, just one final time.

Then a pale hand enters my line of sight.

~Sasuke's POV:

I was walking down the street with my hands in my pockets while grumbling low incoherent words.

I had been so excited for a nice day at the academy but then those girls had showed up practically out of no where and surrounded me the entire day.

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