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Its been two weeks ever since I've fainted, and yet never seen nor talk to xavier. Right now im on an air plane to Colorado.

My favorite song by panic at the disco started to play.
'Impossible year'

There's no sunshine
This impossible year
Only black days and sky grey
And clouds full of fear
And storms full of sorrow
That won't disappear
Just typhoons and monsoons
This impossible year

There's no good times
This impossible year
Just a beachfront of bad blood
And a coast that's unclear
All the guests at the party
They're so insincere
They just intrude and exclude
This impossible year

There's no you and me
This impossible year
Only heartache and heartbreak
And gin made of tears
The bitter pill I swallow
The scars souvenir
That tattoo, your last bruise
This impossible year

There's never air to breathe
There's never in-betweens
These nightmares always hang on past the dream

There's no sunshine
There's no you and me
There's no good times
This impossible year.

I was signing alone- well I was singing along until someone snatched my headphones.

"You, idiotic soul how dare yo-"
I was cut off by him smirking. Jesus this boy is hot. Total greek god. His perfect jaw line. I just wanna kiss him now.

Lily wtf? You just met him, but he is cute.  My wolf purrs. I just rolled my eyes, mentally while staring at this greek god.

"Done eye raping me babe?" He says while raising a perfect brow.

You can tell he was werewolf just by the way he smelt. "Youre werewolf." I said looking at him dead in the eye.

"So are you,princess." I nod.
He is truly breath taking. Then he did the thing I nevet expected him to do..

He freaking kissed me, yet I kiss him back. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance I decided to tease him and deny. He pinched my butt cheek causing me to squel in suprise. He didn't waste a second slipping his tounge in my mouth. I remembered we were on a plane so I quickly parted are lips. He frowned. "We are on a plane." I said blushing. He grunted and sat back.
When we kissed I felt firecrackers, and butterflies in my stomach. Maybe the moongoddes made a mistake?

Loves, im so sorry for the short chapter. I really hope yall enjoyed it though. For characters I want yall to pick. So please comment on that.

Remember to vote,  and share.

Love yall bye! *blows kisses*😘

Regretting Now Alpha? |was known as 'Rejected, but Powerful'|Where stories live. Discover now