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Added Bonus: If your soulmate and you fight or are separated, the colors become dull

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Added Bonus: If your soulmate and you fight or are separated, the colors become dull.

Saruhiko x Misaki - 

Saruhiko sighed, his heart shattering. He didn't think Misaki noticed the colors fading a bit as he held his collar. He barely heard "Why, Saru, why?!" As he tried to capture the image of Misaki in his vibrant colors for probably the last time. "Doesn't this mean anything to you?!" Misaki yelled, putting his hand over the tattoo on Saruhiko's chest.

The mark that burned him. That took Misaki from him. That took his colors from him. He was hurt in a new way, a way he couldn't describe - certainly, this was a new type of torture. He felt his fingers on fire, and started to scratch at the mark, panting slightly in pain. The colors finally went dull, and he sighed. He then turned and walked away, trying to catch one last glimpse of the blue sky. 

Truth be told, Misaki had noticed the colors becoming dull, but was only hoping that Saruhiko​ would stop once he noticed too. 


Saruhiko sat in the park. He was bored, and couldn't think of anything better to do. He didn't know why he had come - it was spring, the "time of growth", and the scene was far too happy for him. He found he hated that scene; he hated the dark colors he could barely distinguish; he hated all the kids running and the happy couples smiling; and worst of all he hated that he didn't have his own significant other with him. 

He leaned back again, trying to remember how bright the colors used to be. Before the entire mess with the death of all those Kings, and before they even knew about those Kings. By this point, the mess with JUNGLE had already occured, and Saruhiko​ had hoped they would become at least friends again. 

Apparently, that wasn't the case. 

He felt someone sit next to him, but didn't bother to look over. He was facing up at the scene before him, his analytical eyes scanning the supposedly joyful scene as he wondered why he couldn't get his own joy. 

"Oi, monkey." Saruhiko​ snapped out of it and looked to his side, to see that Misaki had sat next to him. He sat up again, and nearly said something, but instead looked away. 

"Hey, Misaki," Saruhiko​ said in his usual bored tone. 

"No insults or teasing?" Misaki asked, surprise in his tone. Saruhiko made a 'tch' sound in annoyance, looking back at the scene before him. 

"Not in the mood," Saruhiko said simply. This alarmed Misaki, and he immediately knew something was wrong. 

"What? Are you sick or something?" Misaki asked, trying to be teasing and annoying but instead sounding actually concerned. 

"Worse. I can't see correctly," Saruhiko answered. 

Misaki went silent, looking up at the scene as well. He was sitting right next to his soulmate - so why didn't the colors at least become more saturated? Why were they still a lifeless and dull color? He laughed bitterly, thinking how the only color he could see for a long time was red, thanks to Mikoto, and no thanks to the damned monkey. "Me either," Misaki confessed, annoyed. 

Saruhiko moved his hand to rest on Misaki's and the younger boy flinched a bit, but didn't move his hand. The two simply sat there, until Saruhiko spoke, "Hey~, I think I know a way to fix this." Misaki looked over, only to see the taller boy's face inches from his. Misaki's face burned, and his eyes teared up slightly. "I'm not going to apologize for leaving a place I hated," Saruhiko began, causing Misaki's vulnerable place to replaced by a hard stare for a moment. "But," Saruhiko continued, "I will apologize for leaving you behind." The red head's eyes widened a bit. "I love you." 

Misaki couldn't bring himself to tears in front of him. He didn't want to say anything. He wanted to leave. He was still mad, after all, right? So why did "Damn monkey, about time" slip out of his mouth, and an "I love you too" escape before their lips collided. 

When they pulled away, they stared at each other's vibrant colors for a moment before looking around at the scene. All the colors were in place. Saruhiko was looking at the blues and greens he missed from nature, while Misaki watched the rainbow of clothes on all of the people around. They both separated, and sat, hand in hand, and admired the spring colors.


Munakata x Mikoto -

Munakata looked at Mikoto with a sad glare. His colors were still as vibrant as ever - it's not as if they ever fought seriously. After all, he was doing this to protect the other man's life.

Suddenly, the 'Colorless King's ran into the middle. "What are you doing?!" Munakata shouted angrily.

"Here I am. C'mon, do it. No - stop- what are you doing?!" The silver-haired child yelled.

"Thanks for bringing him here," Mikoto said with a smile, punching a hole through the kid's chest.

"No... Suoh... What have you done?" Munakata mumbled, his eyes widening. His hand fell to his side, still holding onto the sword loosely.

He watched the flames grow, blinding him. He had to look away, and when he looked back the kid was gone. His gaze shifted to Mikoto, who looked exhausted.

"Sorry, Reisi," Mikoto said, smiling a bit. He opened his arms and stood there. Munakata looked up and saw the Sword of Damocles start to lose its power, falling out of the sky. Tears blurred his vision.

Before he knew what had happened, he had charged forwards, his sword through his lover's chest. "Dammit, Suoh," Munakata muttered, his voice cracking. He didn't dare to look up.

"I'm sorry, Ana. I won't get to show you that beautiful red anymore," Mikoto mumbled. Munakata heard his voice weakening, and wrapped an arm around his side. He looked up at the trees and saw the color quickly fading from them as the life quickly drained from Mikoto.

Suddenly, the color was gone, and Mikoto went limp, leaning onto Munakata. The Blue King felt tears slip out of his eyes. "What were you thinking...?"

No one from either clan had really known whether or not the two Kings loved each other. However, they all knew that after that day, the Blue King would always have problems distinguishing colors and emotions, unlike before....


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