Why today?

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I thought for it to be like any other day. I layed in bed just relaxing as i normally do when I am just not in the mood to do anything, but could never not be in the mood to talk to my boyfriend. He was the easiest person for me to talk to about my problems and seem to make all of them go away. Cant quite my finger on what we were talking about, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't nothing important. I mean were tennagers when is a conversation tennagers have is important.

It was mid may and almost close to my brithday couldn't decide on what i wanted to do yet, specailly that senior prom was around the corner too. A girl just couldn't descide with too many things on her mind. Then that's when i heard a beep from the phone. I wasn't much in the mood for talking to anyone else because i just woke up and didn't want anyone to go and put me in a bad mood. But when i looked to see who it was it was my cousin Jay. We haven't talked in a while so i decided to answer to catch up on what he's been up too.

"Hello" I said with excitment in my voce.

"Hey Patrece" he too had the sound of excitment that i had answered the phone. I was beyond shocked of how his voice sound. I knew we havn't talked in a while but i surely DID NOT expect for his voice to be deep at all. I guess it happens when i boy turns fourteen right? They start to change I could'nt help myself but tease him alittle bit.

" Man dont you sound like you have a man's voice now." Of course with us being so close he already knew that i was messing with him he went right along with it. "Oh of course" he said. "I gotta get my sexy voice ready for next year when i get to high school." I could not do much but shake my head at his words. I asked him how excited he was to graduate from middle school and finally getting into high school. From what he was telling me he seemed that everything was ok and doing well in school. We started to brag to each other about how we both was graduating this year and it was extremly cool just for the fact we were cousins, and our family admired that we were so close due to our age difference. One Thomas a freshman in high school and the other a freshman at providence college.

We said our goodbye and promised to keep in touch always and call back later to do something together. For a second I honestly forgot that my boyfriend was on the other line. I was suprised that he was still on the phone waiting for me, but i guess that goes to show just how perfect of a boyfriend he was.

I heard a knock on door i was my mom and my dad they asked if i wanted to go to the movies with them. I said yeah why not i enjoed speending time with them any way. The main reason why i said yes was because they was going to see Iron Man 2 and i couldn't pass that up sspecailly since i wasn;t paying for my ticket.

Were finally at the movies and everything was just great perfect seats just the right snack so what could prossibly just go wrong today. Nothing right? Wrong. My phone started to ring i wasn't going to answer put i took a peek so i could know who i was going to call back when the movie was over. It was my grandfatger he doesn't call much unless it's something important so i got out my seat and walked towards the exit answering the phone. He asked me if i was with my mother i told him yes and that we were at the movies watching iron man. Then that when everything just seem to go out of control for me.

"Granddaddy are you ok?"

"I need to talk to your mom; Jay was just shot." I just couldnt believe it he was a good kid never got into any trouble always did his homework why him? Why him? i quickying ran back into the thearter and handed my phone to my mother i told her who was on the phone. By the look on her face she was just as much shocked as i was. We ran out of the theater. My dad drove as me and my mom sat in the back seat of the car. I keept sliently praying to myself in my head asking god to please let my little cousin be ok.

It was driving me crazy at how someone can jsut shoot a young boy who does nothing to nobosy and friend to all. Age didn;t make a difference to him everybody loved him he just had that personality he was the person that everybody just loved. By the time we reached the hospital. I hop out the car just as quick as it stop, but to scared to move tiwards the door. Most of my family was already there and i couuld see was tears i  their eyes and hurt. I knew if i walked in their i wouldn't get the answer that i wanted to hear that he was ok. That everything was going to be ok that he was going to make it.

When i looked at his mother i didn't have to go see his body to know what the outcome for the battle of his life was. He didn't make it and that's all there was too it.

authors note:

I know the story doesn't seemt to be the best thing at the moment, but the chareacter goes through a lot of emotions of dealing with the lost of someone in her family and how she learns to deal with it. The sturggle of her hurt and how she gained her strength back not only from her but through her family as well when she realizes that they are there for a reason.

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