An Assassins Love

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Whoever said that an assassin couldn't love? Everyone is human so everyone has a heart. 

Scarlet is a well known assassin. Her partner is Jake. He too is a well known assassin and also Scarlets first love. They've known each other for quite a long time. They've gone on missions together and are the best team.

One day they were asked to kill someone different from people they've killed before. His name is Richard. He was a rich and powerful man who was the head of a chocolate company. He is suspected to have drugged chocolate and is to be executed for it but he got away. 

Jake and Scarlet jumped from rooftop to rooftop searching. Finally they found him in an alleyway. 

"So your the ones that been drugging all the chocolate."

"Are you Scarlet? Aww so the police had to get an assassin to kill me instead. Well I hired an assassin of my own. Adrien!"

Suddenly a man in black clothing stepped forward.

"Kill them."

They fought for a while but soon something happened.

"Argh!" It was Jake. 

"Jake?!" Scarlet turned around and saw that Jake was being stabbed from behind by Richard.

That was enough to break her. 

She ran her dagger through Adriens chest, finishing him off and threw her dagger straight through Richard's.


Once They were dead, she ran up to Jake. 

"Jake? Please tell me you're okay?!"

"Scarlet... I'm okay. But I'm dying. Thak you for always being by my side. Take this." He said as he handed her a disc.

Everything I wanted to tell you, it read.

"What's it for?" Scarlet asked him. But it was too late. Jake was dead.

"Jake? Jake please wake up!" She yelled. But she knew it was no use. As an assassin, she had seen many deaths and she knew that they would never wake up.

"Jake," she sobbed "I love you." Her long Scarlet hair fell over hs chest as she sobbed. It managed to blend in due to all the blood that was spilled.

Scarlet brought his body into a woods. She placed flowers and rocks around his body. then she wrote in the mud, here lies jake, a wonderful friend and my love.

When she got to their apartment, she went straight to her room. She fell on her bed and just cried. she didnt know what to do anymore. jake's gone. 

after a few minutes of crying she wanted to hear jakes voice again. she went to her computer and played the disc.

"Hi Scarlet." its was jake.

"If you're watching this, im probably dead. I promised myself i would give this to you before i died. so anyways, since im dead, i decided i would tell you something. i have known you for a long time and we were always best friends. well, to you, we were probably just that. but to me, i wanted to be more than that." scarlet widened her eyes because she wondered if this was going where she thought it was going. "well, scarlet. I love you. to put it sinply." Scarlets heart stopped for a bit a. She stopped the video and covered her mouth to stop the sobs from escaping. So he did love her back. 

Too bad the truth didn't get out until he was gone.


AN: Hello!!! Im sorry this was so crappy!! I was rushing because I have swimming soon. I promise to make them better!! Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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