Chapter 2

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          I heard Mikayla breathing rapidly.

          I quickly put my hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

          “Shhhh,” I whispered. “It’s OK.”

          If I sped off, we’d most likely be caught.  We’d attract attention.  That was the last thing we needed.  So I slowed the car, and parked it at the side of the road.

          I saw the cops do the same behind us.  The doors opened and two men walked out.  They marched towards in unison.  The taller one came to my window.  He had blonde hair and wore sunglasses even though it was night out.  The other guy, slightly chubby (Also with sunglasses) went to my sister’s door.  I grinded my teeth as he stared at me.  For what seemed like the longest time, they said nothing.  Then finally, the guy to my left spoke up.

          “Well?” he said. “You know why we pulled you over?”

          “I can’t say I do Officer,” I replied, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. “Was I speeding?”

          “Well how fast were you going?” he said.

          “Wait, wh-” If they didn’t know I was… “60?  The sign said 65…”

          The guy wasn’t even listening.  Chubby by Mikayla’s window was still quiet.  He hadn’t spoken up yet.  They were peering into the back seats.  It was too dark in the car for them to see anything.

          “You two are the only ones here?”

          “Yes, sir,” I said, squinting my eyes. “Just us.”

          He peered at me through his sunglasses.  I caught a glimpse of light-colored eyes. “How old are you son?”

          “16,” I lied.

          “License and registration please.”

          Mikayla’s eyes were closed tightly as she held her breath.  I slowly pulled out my fake license and handed it to the officer.

          “Where’s the registration?”

          “I-I lost it.”

          “I’m gonna have to ask you to step out of the car please.”

          Mikayla gasped and looked up from her lap.  The man opened my door and took my hands.  He bent them behind my back and shoved my face into the hood of my car.  All I could smell was gasoline and all I could see was the Firebird logo.

          The cop slapped some handcuffs on my wrists and glared at me. “Both of you look delicious.” He began to laugh.  What was wrong with these people?!

          The chubby one was taking Mikayla out. “Let her go!” I squirmed and the man held me down.

          “Uh-uh, Blood-bag.” What?  He laughed again as his glasses slid down the bridge of his nose.  His eyes were silver.

          I knew, and I knew he knew I knew.  But luckily, I reacted fast enough.

          I kicked the guy in the knee, and Mikayla broke away from Chubby’s grip.  She ran to me as I pushed the tall cop away.

          These guys were Rogues.  They were blood-suckers like us, but they were the story book kind.  The kind that go around killing people as they please.  These guys were the monsters.  The probably killed some cops, stole their car and uniforms.  That way they could pull people over to ambush them.  It was ingenious and horrifying at the same time.

          Chubby ran towards Stretch to help him up.  He cursed and spit on the pavement.

          “Come here!”

          I spotted an opportunity. While Stretch was down, I reached into his holster and grabbed his gun. But before I could run, he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down with him.

I threw the gun, sliding to Mikayla in the middle of the road. She reluctantly, but quickly grabbed it and pointed it to Stretch. Chubs stopped in his tracks, afraid she would fire.

"Go!" Stretch shouted. He cocked his head to look at his partner. "It's just a little girl!"

While he was distracted, I used my other foot to kick him in the jaw. He swore and his grip loosened. I jumped up and ran to my sister. She yelped as I grabbed the back of her jacket collar. The jolt surprised her, and she sent a shot rippling through the air. The bullet hit Stretch as he was getting up in his left shoulder. A quick burst of red, and he fell.

"Jack!" Chubs shouted, speaking for the first time.

Stretch, or Jack, was yelling in agony. "Go!" he screamed. "Get them!"

Chubs ran as fast as he could. But we made it to the car first and locked ourselves in. Chubby reached in through the semi-open window, so I rolled it up until he was stuck. He winced, his fat fingers turning purple. He shouted something I couldn't hear. So I quickly began driving in reverse. He started running backwards but couldn't keep up. He eventually tripped, ripping his fingers loose.

He knocked his head on the way down. He was out for the count. I sighed, and looked to me sister. Her face was flushed, and she was gasping for air.

"Wait here," I said, as I rushed out. Jack was still yelling.

"Bastard!" He was bleeding out onto the pavement, the dark red liquid pooling next to him.

I reached the cop car and pulled out my Swiss army knife. I quickly popped all of their wheels, and searched the car. I found a shotgun and ammo for both guns. They had also been storing blood in several Pepsi bottles. I opened the hood and pulled out their spark plug. These guys wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

I threw our new finds in the back of Alice with the handgun, and drove on. As we passed Jack, I opened my door and hit him. He dropped, passed out.

A mile we drove and we haven't spoken a word. What could I say?  My sister and I were almost killed.  Then finally, I said something.

"Mikayla," I still looked at the road, but I glanced back at her. "I'm proud of you. You were brave. I am so sorry that you had to be part of that."

She was still looking down. “You could have died,” she said. “And it would have been my fault.” She scrunched her eyebrows, it looked like she was holding back tears. “I couldn’t fire the gun.  He could have killed you.  I’m sorry-”

She really felt that way? “Don’t say that,” I cut in, squinting in the darkness. “This was my fault.  I need to try harder to take care of you.  I know you can handle yourself, but I just hate letting you into these situations.”

She continued to look out of the window until she finally turned and smiled. "Thank you," she said quietly. "But we still kicked their asses."

"I'm glad to see you going back to your old self," I laughed weakly as I flicked one of her goofy ears.

The drive was uneventful, until a couple miles after crossing the border when we ran into some hitch hikers.

(Thanks for reading! I appreciate those of you who take the time to read. And I apologize, my sister's laptop has a broken tab and spacebar. So if the grammar or format looks sloppy, I apologize. I hope you all enjoy my little vampire story for those that hate vampire stories. I'd love some feedback (positive or negative).

Peace out!)

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