Chapter 3

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I swore loudly as a mass of grey fur rolled up our windshield. Was it a dog?

Mikayla screamed at impact. I slammed on the brakes and caught my breath. I looked at my frightened sister. She made a shooing motion for me to go outside and check. Personally, I think I should have just driven away. But if we'd just killed someone, we'd have to go out of state again, and..... Ugh!

I rushed out of my car to look at our victim. It was a boy. He looked about 14 or 15 with shaggy red hair that hung in his eyes. He was lying on his side with his eyes closed. But crap! A kid!

But as soon as I came within five feet of him he shot straight up onto his feet. He had brown eyes that shone with excitement.

"Holy-" I gaped. "H-how are you alive?!"

"What?" he said, walking towards me as if nothing had happened. "Trying to kill me?" He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you OK?" I asked, astounded.

" 'Course," he replied, wiping a smudge of blood from his temple. "Just a scratch."

For the longest time we just stood there, staring at each other like pedos. He just stood there with a crazy grin on his face. Then finally, I spoke.

"I am so sorry!" I said lamely.

"No problems mate," he said with a fake British accent. "But blimey that was crazy. I don't think I've ever flown so high before..."

This was ridiculous, how did he get nothing more than a scratch?

"If you don't mind my asking," I said. "What the hell are you doing out here all by yourself?"

"Cantcha tell? I'm running away from home," he said as-a-matter-of-factly.

I was still in shock. I wasn't quite sure how to respond.

"Why?" was what ended up coming out of my mouth.

"Trouble at home. Same old, same old."

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

The kid contemplated it as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Well…" he said, looking mischievous. "We could really use a ride."


He turned to the dense group of trees by the side of the road. "Hey Ally!" he shouted. "We got a ride!"

The girl was about 15, same as the two of us. She had long and light blonde hair, her bangs concealing her right eye. To be honest, she was actually really pretty. Through the dark, I saw her knocking aside branches from the trees while she carried two travelling bags and an annoyed look on her face. As she came closer she removed one of the bags from her shoulder and chucked it at the red-headed boy’s face.

"For the last time," she hissed. "It’s Alex, not Ally."

"Sure thing, Alexandra," the boy laughed. He ducked before he could get hit by the other bag. He came back and switched to his cheesy British accent again. "Anyway, this kind young man has offered us a ride to our destination."

"Cool," she said simply. "Can we put our bags in the trunk?"

"No!" I said, perhaps too quickly. I couldn't let them are our treasures. "I mean...let me get them."

"Whatever," Alex said. She picked up the bags and tossed them too me.

"Quite gratuitous my good man," the red-head replied in his cheesy, fake accent. He bowed as they walked toeards the car.

'What the hell just happened?' I thought. I shook my head and caught up with them.

"Hey," I called to the boy. "What’s your name?"

He turned back and grinned. "Ford," he said smoothly. "Randy Ford."

"Ford..." I huffed. I was more of a Chevy guy. Whatever.

As I put the bags in the trunk I spotted the hand gun. I think I recognized it frm a book... A Glock, was it called maybe? I quickly grabbed it and slid it nto my waist band.

Why did I do that? I think it was Alex. She made me feel strange. I wasn't used to that kind of feeling. It made me nervous. She looked tough. She'd seen alot in her life. I didn't know what to expect from her. And I just couldn't be too careful...

As I slid into the driver's side, I saw Alex and Mikayla having a conversation.

"I'm just saying I think the Beatles are crap compared to-"

"No, no, no," Mikayla interupted. "The Beatles music have lived on forever. And I haven't even ever heard of... what are they called? Falling Boy?"

They continued arguing while Randy pulled at his hair and looked at me. "I thought girls were into Justin Bieber..."

Both of the girls shot him a disgusted look.

Before anyone started arguing, I clapped my hands once and sighed. "So where are you guys going anyway?"

Our passengers looked at each other. Randy spoke. "Ummm..." he said. "Anywhere?"

Alex sighed. "We don't exactly... know where we're going..."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. I didn't even want them here in the first place!

"We can go where you guys are going," Randy suggested. "We can split up when you two settle. You're all probably getting back to your parents, right?"

He wasn't too far off from the truth... But this was too much. We couldn't deal with this muchaction in one night. It was going to be dawn soon. Just our luck that we'd top off an awful night with some sun.

"I'm sorry," I said. "But I don't think I'm gonna be able to give you guys a ride. I can't help some kids run away. If I have to, I'll call the-"

Alex interuptted me. "Or... we could call the cops and let them know about you trying to run over my friend here and run away, Mr. License Plate 6J24AW6." She gave a devious smile.

I slammed my head down on the steering wheel and sighed.


Andthat's how we got ourselve's some new travelling companions.

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