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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up from Aaron's alarm...SHIT! I forgot! TODAY'S MONDAY! WE HAVE FUCKING SCHOOL!

"Ohhh no! I'm gonna be late!" I scream as I rush off bed and go downstairs so go home and get my uniform. I take my keys and see a uniform with a note on it, I put my keys down on the table and read the note.

"My sister used to go to our school...so here's her uniform, I knew u would rush of so I got it ready for you...Love you!"

I smiled and went back upstairs with the uniform.

"Thank you!" I hug him as he buttons his shirt and he smiles.

"No problem." He tells me. I go to the bathroom and change, then I put my hair in a ponytail and go back to Aaron's room.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod. We get our stuff, hop in Aaron's car and head to school.

Once we get there I get a text from my mom...
Aph's mom: Mija! I am so sorry! I forgot tomorrow was Monday! I got your stuff ready!
Aph: Thanks mom! But Aaron gave me his sister's uniform since she went here before so I'm fine, in fact I'm in school right now!
Aph's mom: Oh thank Irene! Give thank you to that boy for me okay? Bye love you!
Aph: I will! Love you too! BYEEEEE♥︎

I tell Aaron thank you for my mom and he smiles. After that we part our separate ways. I go to my locker and get my stuff, I see a boy approach me, but I don't know who it is...

"Hello there!" He says to me.

"Uhh...hi!" I tell him.

"I have seen you around, and I gotta say, you have got quite an attitude...Kitty."

"My name isn't "Kitty", it's Aphmau."

"Ya, I know."

"Then why are you calling me Kitty?"

"Because I want to..."

"You're wasting my time, so please get out of the way...I got a class to go to." I shove him out of the way and people around us just "OHHHHHH" him in his face....I ROASTED HIM!

I head to class and see Kawaii~Chan walk up to me.

"Hello Aphmau~Senpai! How was the weekend with Aaron~Kun?!" She asked excitedly.

"It was fun! How was your weekend?" She opened her eyes wide and looked nervous.

"Kawaii~Chan...uhhh...didn't spy on Aphmau~Senpai and Aaron~Kun!" From that moment I knew what type of person she was...a fangirl...

"*sigh* okay Kawaii~Chan, I gotta head to class but I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Alright Aphmau~Senpai! BYE!" She waves goodbye and I head to class.
(Time skip to after school! ABRACADABRA!)

I walk outside and see Aaron talking to a purple haired girl...she looked like Kawaii~Chan...

I approached them and Aaron kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand.

"Hey babe!" He says happily...

"Hey!" I tell him, the purple haired girl shoves me off the way and grabs Aaron's hand.

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