Harvest of the Moon

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Blind folded, she was blind folded and had her hands tied behind her back. She felt two guards to both sides. They we're both tall and muscular. She frowned as she trudged forwards, her bare feet scuffing on the rocky ground. The guards suddenly stopped, there was a scraping of a chair that sounded like nails on a black board. She winced then was smashed down onto the chair. The blind fold whipped off, revealing...

A very bright light. She grunted and squinted. Her hands where still tied behind her back. The room was snow white. It reflected, or seemed like it did, the light. There was a table in front of her that was covered with papers, files, and pictures. None of them where familiar. A man in a tailored  suit sat with his hands clasped together. He looked about in his mid 70, with his hair greying and his blue eyes a little dull. But they where full of wisdom.

"Do you know why you're here Evelyn?" He asked in a steady, deep tone. She shook her head. She didn't even remember how she got there. The last thing she did remember was being on the run...on the run for something...or was it away? She didn't know, it was pretty much a blur. "Well, you are here because of the multiple crimes you have committed. Her eyebrows raised high, "I did what?" She asked in disbelief, her voice was scratchy and muted a bit.

The man frowned, "You committed many, many crimes. On the planet Pluto, as for one." He grabbed a file that was chock full to the brim of different colored papers. "Lets see, you murdered a man that had 4 daughters and 2 sons, hmm, it also seems that you stole a-what is this?...a Mercury Gun."

"A Mercury Gun," Echoed Evelyn. The man nodded, "The many charges that you have involve either hanging you. Or you waisting away in Dartian asylum. Luckily, I have found a way so that you would not have to do both.." Evelyn tuned him out, she just suddenly got bored. She wondered how she got there. There where many, many possibilities, but there was only one that could fit. Evelyn stiffed a shout of pain as she felt claws sinking into her skin. It jerked her back into the real world again. The man was looking at her like she was expected to answer, "Well?" She furrowed her brows then said, "Could you repeat that?" The guard to her left stiffed a sigh, but the man nodded anyways.

"I was saying. If you would like to, and I predict that it would be the right choice, you could sign there and i will take care of all your problems." She frowned and looked at the piece of paper. There was a odd looking pen beside it, the pen looked like there was something...magical, it had a glop of something bobbing up and down. She found herself taking the pen and starting to sign without will. Evelyn forced herself to put the pen down. She bolted out of her chair, making it tip over and crash to the ground. "No...I'm sorry, but i'll settle this my own way." even though i still have no idea what happen and how i got here, she added mentally in her mind.

The man's light blue eyes darkened, "I don't think you have a choice." Then there was a spark at his hand, Evelyn felt suddenly cold. She collapsed onto the cold tile.

The man smirked then said, "Bring in the next batch."


Yes. It is dark, the next chapter, though, is going to be in first person...maybe....anyways thanks for reading,


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