Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The room was round, three beds where set in a half circle. A circle? I thought the whole place was a huge rectangle inside…. I shook my head. There were already two people in there one had head phones around her neck with blue eyes and brown hair with pale skin. The other had various cuts and bruises, making it look like she was in a fight. She had blond hair and brown eyes along with fare skin. They were talking something about the world and economics. They turned their head towards me.

“Ah! So this is our other roommate.” The one with the head phones grinned. She held out her hand, “My name is Linsey, this is Andrea.” I shook her hand. “Hi,” I gave a wave to Andrea.  She gave a small nod along with a small smile. “So,” Linsey stated, “What’s your name?”

“Oh! Sorry, it’s Kat.” I said. Linsey crossed her arms and leaned back into her bed. Andrea stood, “you can hav’ that bed over here.” She said. She had a hint of an accent, but it sounded like she was growing out of it. I gave a nod.

“Okay, thanks…” I put the key on the table next to me and sat down. I tilted my head to the side, “Hey, why is it circular? Where in the middle of the castle and there’s a circular room…” Linsey shrugged. Andrea gave a smile, “Magic.” I frowned, “Magic?”

Andrea nodded, “Yep, like witches and warlocks. Like Harry Potter!” I grinned, those where one of the books I actually had at home. “I love those books! Even though I didn’t get to read the last book,” Andrea grinned back, “Yeah, even after 100 years ‘ere a keeper.” Andrea leaned back on her pillow, “Oh do ya know that people in other countries actually worship the books and J.R. Rowling?”

“What? Really?” She nodded. “Crazy right?” she said. I gave an agreeing nod. Linsey had her eyes on Andrea, giving a knowing smile. She caught me looking at her and gave an ‘I’ll tell you later’ look. I gave looked back at Andrea, she gotten up and was going through her suit case. She pulled out a leather bound book that was much worn. You could see where the finger prints were. She grinned at me. “Look at this,”

She sat next to me and started peeling way the leather, “This was the original cover,” She said her grin was widening. I looked, it looked like it was ornately a paperback, but a piece of cardboard was stuck to the inside. It was number 7.

 “You have the last one of the series?!” She lifted her chin proudly, “Yep, it was my ‘athers but he gave it ta me for my ‘irthday.”  I had to fight the urge to grab the book and start reading. We only had 1-6 at home. The seventh one was for….was for the others. She handed to me. “You can read it if you want. I won’t mind an’ Linsey doesn’t enjoy books.”

“Hey! I just like non-fiction better, more scientific!” She protested. I gave a small smile, “Thanks.” I said. Andrea gave an orange-sliced smile. “You’re welcome.”


That night my dreams where haunted. Like literally haunted by ghosts, they had weird names too.  They weren’t like ‘Boo’ or something like the cartoon ‘Bone’. These were really scary ghosts. I lurched awake breathing heavily. Linsey was still up, at the desk next to her bed and door.  She was writing in something, a diary perhaps.

“Bad dream?” She asked without stopping the pencil in her hand.  I nodded, “Yeah…really bad.” I said, sucking in breath. She let the pencil stop writing and closed the book.  “It was about ghost…wasn’t it?” I stared at her; she turned and looked at me. She looked tired, older than she was supposing to. “I had the same dream when I came here. That was in 6th grade. They keep getting worse for me.” She rubbed her eyes.

“Why don’t you go to sleep?” I asked. She gave me a tired look. Her blue eyes seemed dull. “It’s gotten to be too much.” She muttered quietly. I furrow my eyebrows, “So you don’t sleep?” It came out gently as it could. She gave a small shake of her head. “I do, but barely. I keep watch over Andrea. She’s like my life. She is a sister to me, maybe even more.” She glances over at her while giving a small smile.

A silence hung in the air. It was not uncomfortable, but it wasn’t good either. Both of us were lost in thought. Then Linsey got up, turning off her lamplight and, she went and lay down on her bed. “Good night,” I said quietly. She turned to me, “Good night.”

I pulled my covers near me, and sleep took a hold of me in it’s lose grip. This time, my sleep was dreamless.


The next day was a Monday. The start of my school year, my first class was with Mrs. Bellmum for French. She was on the short side, with brown hair and sea green eyes. Her skin was pale, and whenever she smiled, all I could notice was that her two k-9s where longer than her others. The classes had their quirks. Mr. Monste, my ELA teacher, had a slurred speech and took almost all of class telling us about the background story of the word ‘the’. Ms. Frenumy, my math teacher, had weird tattoos on her arms and wore a ‘not proper for school’ dress that most of my boys were ogling over. My Theater teacher, Mr. Barkem was really energetic and seemed to over exaggerate everything. Those were the only classes I had for the first four classes of the day before lunch.

At lunch, I sat alone. I’m not exactly that type of person to ‘dive in’ but Andrea and Linsey came by and sat next to me and started talking about the new boy band on the ‘street’. I smiled at them and dived in to their conversation. But our conversation was halted.

“-eah so I was like, really? He actually said that to me? Of all people, he said I was a…a female dog…yeah…anyways –” Linsey froze mid sentence. I frowned and waved a hand over her eyes. “Linsey? Linnnssseeeeyyyy?”

I heard giggling from behind me, as in evil giggling, though giggling usually was evil. I turned, four girls were pointing at me, or past me. I couldn’t tell. Andrea scowled, “Glitches, they think they can do anything just because they have boyfriends, money, and the latest fashion.”

I turned to Andrea, “Like…Popular girls?” She nodded, “Only ten times worse. Not that all popular people are bad. I can say that, but these ones…well we usually just stay away from them.” Linsey started to move again as I heard a snap, “Pizza…wait, what?” She looked at me, then at Andrea.

“Glitches,” Andrea stated. Linsey scowled, “Oh. Them.” I looked back at them, “How did u get frozen? Plus Dose everybody hate them?” I asked. They both shrugged at the same time, “It has something to do with static electricity." She said hurried, "To answer you other question, I don’t know. Probably everybody but them,” Linsey said. Andrea nodded, “Yeah, most of the kids like us hate ‘em.” I looked back at them, frowning in nodded. They did seem….preppy…in that weird sort of way.  

The rest of the day was like the beginning. But only with different teachers and subjects, including Science with Ms. Brainwirth, Social Studies with Mrs. Mumy, and lastly Gym with Mr. Karb. I started to realize that something was odd about this school just that day. Like how was Linsey actually froze? It was probably right in front of me, taunting me in the face. But I just couldn’t grab it. That night I staid a wake a little longer than usual, wondering what it could be.


Here's Chapter three! Hope u like it -Livi

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