Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The weeks crawled by like a sail on salt. Slowly dying out as it crept along. Our schedules kept changing on us every day so I had to keep my schedule in my new agenda book. I woke up, three weeks from when I started, one Saturday morning realizing something.  My brother, were was he? My mind completely slipped of him which was not like me. He was my best friend at home when no one else was. He was my little brother that I watched over almost every day and didn’t mind. I got up and went quietly to the door, making sure not to wake anyone. Changed into my normal clothes, I started to wear the uniform because the teachers started reprimanding me and bothering me to put it on one even threatened to give me a detention, I opened the door slowly, and almost screamed a very unlikely girlish scream as Linsey was in front of me with her hand up about to knock. I grinned sheepishly.

“Uh…Hi?” She tilted her head and raised an eye brow. “Really?” She asked. I shrugged, almost helpless. I went out of her way and let her in; she flopped down on her bed making it exhausted with a ‘poof’ of air. Andrea rolled to the side, she lay onto her back.  Linsey frowned, “She’s still sleeping?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I guess.” I said. Linsey grinned and took her pillow, “Sleepy head! Wake up!” Then she threw the pillow right at her face. To my surprise Andreas arm caught it in mid-air before she opened her eyes. “I was trying to sleep here! It’s my only day to sleep until 12 o’clock!”

“Well sorry,” She didn’t sound very sorry. “Anyways I found a place that you guys might want to see.” She leapt off the bed and ran to the door. “Come, we have much exploring to do!”

“Wait!” I said, she turned towards me, “Yes?” she asked stretching the word out a bit.

“Well, I just thought that one, Andrea would like to get changed first, and two I was going to see my brother.” Linsey turn towards her friend who shot me a very grateful look, than nodded in agreement at her. “Make myself actually look presentable and not with a bed head.” She answered.

The brown haired teen sighed and walked over to her bed again, once again flopping down on it. “Fine, Andrea start getting changed I want to show you guys this A.S.A.P. We can go see your brother of yours, Kat, when we go see this place. He’s on the 6th grader floor right?”

“Yeah,” I said. I felt a bit relived that I didn’t have to be so rushed.  Andrea went in the bathroom to change. I sat back down back on my bed. “His name is Samuel.” I heard a crash in the bathroom and Andrea opened the door came out with a comb in her hair.

“Did you say Samuel?” I nodded, “Yeah. My little brother,” She froze for a fraction of a second. She blinked. “Oh…sorry I was thinking of someone else…” She trailed off turning back into the bathroom and closed the door gently. I looked at Linsey. “What was that about?” I said softly.

Linsey looked down at her bedcovers, her hair partly covering her hair. The mood change was so sudden that I could feel the pressure of it on my shoulders. “She should tell you,” She stated softer than I did. I could barely hear her and had to strain my ears, “It’s not my place to tell.”

I nodded. Andrea came out with a light purple sun dress on, back track a bit and plays a broken record recording…sun dress? I did admit that it was very beautiful on her. Her hair looked very…fluffy, in a very good sort of way. I looked at her wide eyed. She looked from me, to Linsey, then back. “What? Is it bad? I could go change…” Linsey shook her head quickly, smiling she answered.“No, It’s perfect.”

She jumped off the bed with renewed energy. Clap her hands together she slunk towards the door, “Now…we shall go,” And she speeded away.  I stared at the spot she just was, Andrea sighed behind me. She started a head of me and I followed.


We, being me, were running to keep up with her though Andrea already was actually caught up already. They walked abnormally fast; they said that it was their normal speed. Dodging through the crowd I finally spot Andrea just catch up with Linsey. I was about to meet up with them when…

Crash! I was on my face, tasting the long rug that they have in the halls. I grunted, staring up I saw them. The ‘Glitches’ as everyone states, I still wondered why they called them that. They all sneered at me with their pink lip-gloss and frilly, to tight cloths. Not that frill’s bad or tight cloths are bad. Just a…combination with their butts hang out makes me gag. The boys are wearing their pants to the ground, making me remember that funny song that was passed down through the generations, along with florescent shoes and baggy shirts. “Look what the cat trapped,” The one who was to my right said with a tone that said, ‘this is trash’or 'why are we bothering'.  

I started to stand when a boy pushed me down, I scowled. “Let me up!” I exclaimed, they all laughed like a witches/evil things over a cauldron. “No, no, no, sweetie.” Someone said from in front of me that was sickly sweet. I looked up. A beach blond teen with skin that was over spray tanned stood in front of me. She was wearing a short skirt that was neon green in that car color. Along with a tube top that was the same color.

Wait….rewind a little.

A tube top? In the school that was like, 70 degrees in here. Anyways, I stared at her in both awe and disgust. She glared down at me from where she stood. “We can’t do that, can we girls?” She asked like she needed the agreement. They all agreed. For some reason it seemed like she shimmered and grew an inch as the all agreed. I looked at her in the eyes that were almost pure black. “Uh, who are you?” 

She gave a fake gasp of ‘I-can’t-believe-you-just-said-that’ looking down once again at me, who was really getting annoyed that I was on the ground still, she gave a crude looking type of smile. “I’m Gin, but when I’m older I’m going to change my name to Ruby because it’s a gem.”

I snickered a bit and Gin narrowed her eyes down dangerously at me. Her black eyes suddenly flash sliver which seems to shock me and I couldn’t move. “Don’t you dare snicker at me, you hear me you scum?”

I bare my teeth at her. “Don’t call me a scum,” It’s time for me to narrow my eyes. I hear a voice call out, “Gin, go shopping or something, we could all use a break from you.” I craned my head around to see. A teen stood behind me.  He was dressed casually, though it seemed like he just rolled out of bed, threw something on and walked outside. His brown hair was tussled and he was wearing what was a ‘Linken Tee’ tee shirt and shorts that weren’t hanging to the ground. He wasn’t too muscular but, like everyone else I saw here beside the Glitches, had scars across his arms and legs. I seen him around but never actually knew his name. I knew, though, that he was friend with Selena who I didn’t get to see as much.

Gin frowned, “But John-” he cut her off staring at her with cold very pale green-grey eyes.

“No. Now go, if you don’t I’ll call Selene. She already has enough to worry about with Clark and school work. She doesn’t need you to add on.” He moved towards me and I suddenly felt exposed from where I was. “Now scat. Go somewhere else.” There was a lot of mopping and muttering but I felt the weight of the boy who was pushing me down lift. I scrambled up and started to stretch a little.

“Thanks, I owe you one.” I said he gave an amused smile. “You’re welcome, next time it might have been different.”

I nodded, “Yeah.” I saw my two friends running through the crowd and stopped, not even out of breath, at me. “KAT!” Andrea exclaimed, “Are you alright, did they hurt you, burn you, or harm you mentally in anyway?”

I looked at her and grinned, “I’m fine. Plus how would they burn me? Their only teens,” Andrea looked a little troubled. I my eyes went to Lindsey’s face, she was staring past me. Her face was stony. I turned to John who didn’t meet my gaze. “Right?”


Chapter 4!!! Oh, and Gin (i found on a website with girl names) means Sliver..or something like that ^.^U anyways...

Thanks, -Livi

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