chapter 4: Just Fake It

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As I was sitting in my seventh period. I couldn't help but to think of what he want to talk about. What if it was about how he just can't stand looking at me. I think that would be the best. I don't know how to be a girlfriend. Like what do I do? What do I say? This sucks.

As I sit there thinking about how much I'm going to fuck this up, the bell rang. Well here I go.

As I started to my locker I saw what looks like Chris and Ryan standing by my locker. What are they doing.

As I walked up to them they sent me smiles. What is going on. "There you are! Took you long enough gosh!" Ryan says crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry I just thought I would get Noah's homework" I said holding it out. They just looked at me and then at each other and just started laughing.

"You think he is going to do that!" Ryan snorts wiping a tear away from his eye.

"Wow. Ok... well I guess you can give that to him." Chris stumbles over his words trying to stop laughing.

"Fine. Nevermind." I say letting it drop on the floor. I mean I was just trying to do something nice. But I guess I can't do that right ether.

They just look at me as I push pass them to get into my locker. Ryan grabs the homework and just looks at Chris.

"We didn't mean to hurt your fil-" Chris starts to say and puts a hand on my back. I smack his hand out of the way

I then say " I'm done. With everything. I'm going to tell him I can't do it. I can't be his "fake girlfriend"." looking up to Chris who looks shocked then looks at Ryan who looks the same.

"Hey, really we didn't mean to make." Ryan starts but I then hold up my hand. I'm just done with people looking at me like this. I know I can't do it so why pretend when I know I am going to fail.

"It's not you guys. I can't do anything right so." I start while walking past them into the doors that lead to the football field. "That's what I'm going to tell him!"

I kinda had to yell that because, they we're still standing at my locker as I reach the doors and said it. That's the plan, tell him the truth. I will do his homework, or clean out his truck or...I don't know. Something.

As I was thinking this I looked over on the field I saw Levi tackle someone to the ground. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"So you can smile." I heard a deep voice say. I quickly turns my head to the voice. And to the unlucky person who got to see me smile.

As I look up I see Noah sitting right next to me. He was just looking at me with his arms crossed.

"I. I um. I'm sorry." That's all I could say. I get really scared when I talk to him. But I can't back down. I have to tell him.

"Why are you sorry?" He asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "I don't think I have ever see you smile. So it's kinda new, but a good new." He then looks at his phone reading the text he just got.

Wait did I just get a compliment from Noah Gray? No that can't be. That would be stupid. That would mean he seen me before I fucked everything up. Ok I got to tell him. Well here it goes.

"I can't do this..." I start looking at  him and jumping a bit, because right when thoughs words came out of my mouth his head shapes up to look at me.

"What the fuck do you mean?" He growls starting to get up. I started to get really scared I put my had on my arm.

When I stared to grab it I took a step back. Way to take a stand Willow... Dumbass.

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