Chapter 2: Alex has got to fix this mess

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Alex POV

"Ok, Alex, I just stopped a giant aircraft thing and need a lot to eat." She really looks exhausted, stopping that giant aircraft must've taken a toll on her. Shame it's so late and many food places already closed.

"Pizza or potstickers are closed so... what do you want to eat?" I bet she'll say Noonan's, but asking is more to give her a choice than anything.

"Noonan's is open until late..." Ha, knew it. I think about the car I stole and then the hour drive just to get us to the city. I could just leave it there, no problem with the DEO if it's a car that isn't theirs.

"Do you want to give me a ride? I don't feel like driving." She sighs and I know she will do it.

"How can a person that fight aliens on a daily basis be so lazy?" Because aliens are fun to fight, first of all.

"It's a gift only few possess." Kara just gets into position to give me a piggy back ride. This would normally make a person annoyed because that's only done to children, but I already got used to it. Honestly, I prefer the back ride over having her put an arm around my waist. That really doesn't look safe and there is a reason why seatbelts have two parts on them. We stop at her place for a change up and I envy her superspeed sometimes. How come she only takes 5 seconds while I take minutes?

We go back to flying and arrive on an alley near Noonan's. I always wondered whether she at least used x-ray vision to check there's no one there or she just swoops in. We'll have a talk about it later, just in case. We get a table near the door where you can feel the breeze. I just hope that breeze dries my sweat because you can't expect to survive an explosion without at least sweating because of the hotness. Rose appears immediately and we don't even need to see the menu to end up ordering 5 hamburgers with 3 extra orders of french fries. Kara wasn't kidding when she said she was hungry.

And the thought of she alone carrying the spaceship makes me wonder why she was alone. I know the place was too far for anyone else—alien or not—to arrive on time. But does that mean she was already on her way? Even before the ship takeoff? How could she even know about the place?

"So... you already were on your way to the spaceship even before the ubication was revealed. How?" She fidgets with her glasses and avoids my eyes. It's evident she is wary of telling me. But why would she? It's a good thing after all. Unless...

"Lena helped out," yeah, that was why she didn't want to tell me, "she told me where the Cadmus base is." But—unlike all the other times when she talks about Lena, and they're a lot—her eyes didn't light up, but instead dulled. I still wonder why she's dating Mon-El if he just stresses her out. I should've noticed that before pushing her to a relationship. If she started dating him just to please me... "But she was tried to be killed in the process," Well, that was unexpected, "by which I feel really really guilty because I asked for her help in the first place and if I had arrived 3 seconds later she would be dead now." Wow, if she would normally feel guilty about not saving a stranger on time, having a friend almost dying because of helping her must be killing her. "How could they dare throw her off her own balcony?" And now she has reached the angry stage, I must stop this before she goes alone to fight Lillian Luthor or something.

"And have you checked up on her?" Kara can't hide her surprise, and I try shrugging it off as if it was nothing. "She did go through a traumatic experience after all." She furrows her eyebrows, probably analyzing my face for traces of something that proved I wasn't serious. I can't blame her, everyone always is quick to turn against her friend, and last experience brought Kara to fully realize that.

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