Chapter 3: Lena's super uncommon visit

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Lena POV

I check on the clock. Ugh, is it midnight already? I'm partly relieved and partly not that Jess isn't here. If she were here, she would've insisted on staying with me and god, is that girl determined. On the other hand, it's because she isn't here that I'm on this situation. I mean, why did I need another assistant anyways? I could've just handled things myself until Jess comes back. But no, I just had to hire someone else. How ridiculous is it that I hired her because her bubbly personality reminded me of Kara? Or was it just an act to get me to hire her? I swear I'll never know. But if she wouldn't have reminded me of Kara, I probably wouldn't have told her in confidence about my theory as to the Cadmus base's location. All in all, almost getting killed was my fault.

There's a sound on my couch. I know they wouldn't come back now that their operation already stopped, but my brain betrays me as I take the taser—the damn taser that didn't serve me much when I most needed it—and turn towards the sound. But when I see the red and blue and golden hair on my couch, I let go of the taser. She looks really exhausted, by the way she is actually lying on the couch instead of just sitting on it. And she also has the eyes closed.

"You know, some people drink alcohol after a traumatic experience." She informs with a voice that confirms my suspicions: she is barely staying awake. So I do the best thing that comes to mind to startle her: I flirt.

"Do you want to get me drunk, Supergirl?" It doesn't work. Her eyes remain closed and no significant movement can be seen in her body. Is it because she's absolutely not into me? Or is she just oblivious? Maybe she doesn't think anyone would dare flirt with a superhero?

"I get the feeling it would be easier to convince you to stop drinking than it would be for you to stop working." And that feeling isn't exactly wrong, so I see no reason to deny it.

"And why would you want to go through all the trouble of convincing me if you know it would be a futile attempt?" Not mentioning that you seem to have trouble keeping yourself awake, obviously.

"Because you had a murder attempt not even 5 hours ago. They could come back." And that's another clue to to the fact she's tired: there are more than a couple errors in her reasoning. 1) They came to prevent me from saying the location, and I already did, 2) My mother wouldn't do something so predictable and unwise as to send people twice in the last 5 hours, 3) I wouldn't make the dumb error to keep my office door unlocked just in case they did come, and 4) If Supergirl ruined Cadmus plans, I think the least of their worries would be to come after me. But she is too tired to understand all that reasoning, so I'll just say one.

"They don't have any purpose to, you already stopped the spaceship—which congratulations, by the way, I heard it was huge." Even though she still has eyes closed, she smiles at that.

"Ginormous." And she obviously makes the hand gesture to emphasize her point. "Stopping it was a piece of work." She yawns, and I decide it's been enough.

"Supergirl, you're tired. Go home. Get some sleep. I don't know, get some time under sun lamps if you want," uh-oh, does that give away the fact I know she charges on sun? Does it give away the fact I know she must be working with someone that must have a way to recharge her powers after an exhaustive fight? "or if you have." I add for good measure. "You're under no conditions to watch over someone or fight right now."

"I can handle whoever comes to kill you with my eyes closed." Well, I doubt you could do it with your eyes open, since they seem to be glued shut right now.

"And I don't doubt you can, I'm just slightly worried for the state of my office after you do so." Because if she's so tired, she might make sloppy moves and give my office an interesting redecoration.

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