The Date {Jimin Cute Imagine}

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My phone finally buzzed. It was from Jimin. The best boyfriend in the world.

*Hey babe. You want to go out on a date tomorrow?*

I texted back as fast as my thumbs would allow me to.

*Sure! Where to?*

I barely sat my phone down and it buzzed again.

*How about shopping and go the park?*

*It sounds perfect*

I was finally able to go to sleep knowing that Jimin was thinking about me. I smiled brightly and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to a text from Jimin.

*Is 10 am good?*

I looked at my clock quickly. It was already 9:18 and I still had to drive to the mall.

I quickly got dressed and did my hair. I ran out of my house with a piece of bread in my mouth. I drove to the mall and looked at the clock. 9:54. I made it.

I texted Jimin.

*Where are you?*

He told me the store. I walked in and searched for him. He was looking at the girls clothes and I walked to the very opposite end.

When he saw me on the other side of the store he brightened. He held up a hideous looking shirt to me. I shook my head in disapproval. He pouted a bit and then out it on. I set my eyes on a short dress and held it up to my body. I looked at the mirror behind me and saw Jimin nod in approval. I giggled and then walked to the register and bought the dress. As I was buying the dress I saw him walk out.

I got a text. *Meet me at the park.* I smiled at my phone and finished buying the dress.

I walked out of the mall and walked to the park that was right next door. He was already sitting at a bench being attacked by fans, but I didn’t mind.

I waited for the fans to disperse and started walking to a tree. Normally he would sit on the other side of the same tree but today he sat right next to me.

“Hey.” He said coolly.

“Hey.” I said surprised.

“So I want to do something that I have been waiting forever to do.” He said.

“Wh-‘’ I said before I was cut off by his kiss.

I looked at him worried. “Ji-‘’

He put his finger on my mouth. “Sh. I don’t care anymore. You are my girlfriend and people need to know that.”

And just like that he hugged you and you hugged him back, ready for the struggle that was ahead of you.

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