Chapter 6

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Five years later...

Bum bit his lip and looked down in his lap, glancing out the window every few seconds.

He was going to meet Sangwoo for the first time since he had been emitted to the prison in the city.

Well, not really meet, because he had visited the male quite frequently while he was doing his sentence.

It was the first time they were meeting without glass between them though and Bum was having mixed feelings about the entire thing.

He wasn't sure why, but he just felt strange about it all.

Looking out the window, he started to get lost in his thoughts...


"No! Why does he have to leave the city? I won't be able to see him then." Tears pooled in Bum's eyes and he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"We won't let them take him out of the city. I'll fight for him to stay here, you have my word." Seungbae looked down at the other male and smiled softly.

Bum sniffled and nodded, feeling a reassuring hand mess up his hair. "Thank you..."

~Flashback ended~

He had in fact kept his word too. They managed to gain custody of Sangwoo, long enough to put him in the federal prison that was there in the city.

Bum always had mixed feelings when it came to the other male, but he didn't want him out of the city. The thought of not being able to visit him, it frightened the older male and had kept him up at night even.



Thinking back over the past few years, Bum had actually been very lonely.

Considering the fact that he could no longer go back to his small apartment, he had stayed in Sangwoo's house.

Seungbae gave him some volunteer work for the police station, since he had been involved with the case and because it seemed the male had difficulties with getting a proper job.

In return, he came and brought food and other things that Bum needed.

He was thankful for everything that Seungbae had did for both him and Sangwoo and he had no idea how he would ever repay him.

"This is the day that Sangwoo returns to me..." He mumbled the words to himself and realized that he was getting closer to the prison.

Of course, Sangwoo had to get emitted to a hospial that could help take care of his needs, but at least he'd be out of that horrible place.

Bum worried for Sangwoo's safety every day when he had been in there.

Going to see him for visits, the older male had seen large bruises and marks on both his face and neck and he was afraid for the other male's life.

Even though he knew fully well that Sangwoo could take care of himself, the fear was still sitting in the back of Bum's mind.

"Sangwoo...I miss you..."



Bum took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself for any new marks that the other male may have received since the last time he had visited.

Hearing the gate open, Bum jerked his attention back to reality and he felt his heart constrict in his chest when he seen the other male step out.


Tears slipped down his cheeks as he ran to him and he reached up, throwing his arms around Sangwoo's neck. "I missed much..." He sniffled and soon felt arms reach up, hugging him back. "I missed you too, Bum." Tears started to stream down the older male's cheeks and he cried into the other's shirt, overwhelmed with joy.







I figured you guys have waited long enough for an update and I have no idea when Koogi-sensei is going to post a new chapter of the manhwa ;----;

I'm sorry that it's so short...

I didn't really know what to add to it though...
At least I managed to update. I feel oddly accomplished with just this.
My muse for this fanfiction had died and I really thought I would have to wait until sensei posted something new.

Once again, I'm sorry that it's so short :(
The next one will definitely be longer and I hope I can manage to get the motivation for next week, to post another update ;---;

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