Chapter 7 " Tangled In The Great Escape."

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I stop him once more, as he gives me a confused look.

" I'm... sorry.." I sigh.

He nods. " No, I get it, it's fine." He sighs, biting his lip hard.

" We're kind, moving way too fast." I laugh a bit.

" My bad." He replies and tries to leave.

" Wait!" I call out.

He turns around smiling a bit.

" We can just..make out?" I bite my lip.

" Of course." He laughs.

He sits back down on the bed next to me, as we kiss gently and soft.

Vic separates the kiss. " I'm going to check on Mike."

I nod.  " Oh, Okay... tell me how he is?"

He nods and gets dressed and leaves the room, as I sigh to myself missing his company as I also get dressed.

* ding dong *

I groan and get out of bed heading towards the door. I open it up.

" Oh hi." I say to mr and mrs Fuentes.

They smile then frown. " Aren't you suppose to be resting, wheres Vic?"

" You just missed him." I say. " He went to go see Mike." They both nod.

" Do you need anything?" Mrs.Fuentes asks kindly.

I shake my head. " No thanks, I'm good."

" How's the ribs?" Mr. Fuentes asks sincerely.

" Healing." I say shortly with a small smile, as they enter the house.

" That means you will be doing chores soon." Mr. Fuentes laughs.

I laugh in reply, mentally rolling my eyes.

" I'm going to set up some tacos." Mrs. Fuentes says as she walks into the kitchen.

" And I'll go rest." I nod walking upstairs.

* Few hours later*

" Fuck fucking fuck fuck!" I hear shouts and items crashing downstairs, followed by multiple cusses.

I roll my eyes, it's like 3 am! I get out of bed and down the stairs, as a vase is thrown, crashing the wall near me.

I flick the lights on to see Vic having a hissy-fit. I raise my eyebrows in amusement.

" Ummm... what's uh, wrong?" I ask awkwardly leaning against the wall avoiding the glass on the floor.

He stops breathing heavily, before his fist collides with the wall.

" That's going to be an E.R visit." I say casually.

" Just shut up." He snaps.

My eyes widened. " What got you so heated?"

He sighs sliding on the floor against the wall, cradling his hand. " My brother.." He bites his lip hard as the tears fall. " Died."

I sit next to Vic, carefully and cautiously. He hugs me tightly like a 5 year old with a stuff animal.

" I'm so sorry." I whisper into his ear as a few tears fall from my eyes.

" I..I could have saved him."

" Don't blame yourself." I reply rubbing his back.

" B..but I was there." He says simply.

" You couldn't dig a bullet out of his body."

" No.. not that." He sighs and stops hugging me putting his face in his hands.

I raise an eyebrow. " What?"

" He.. was going to make it." He sighs.

" Vic.. what happened?" I say a little seriously.

" He pulled his own plug." Vic says with no emotion, as I freeze.

Shoutout to fucking-desire for being so awesome!

Shoutout to fucking-desire for being so awesome!

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