Chapter 3 " If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn."

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I wake up with no Vic besides me, I sigh to myself as I find a letter on the bedside table.

Dear Kells,

I'm downstairs, Eating breakfast with everyone, If you need me ring the bell next to you. :)

I can speak, I don't know why I can't just yell, but bell it is, I normally skip break-feast anyways. My thoughts were interrupted from shouting downstairs.

" Mike put your plate in the sink! Don't just leave it there!" Mr. Fuentes shouts.

" Okay okay." Mike groans.

" Vic, you have to eat more than that." Mike says.

" I don't have to do anything." Vic whines.

" You only ate like two pieces!" Mike shouts in frustration.

" And that's your business because??" Vic says.

I decide to save Vic by ringing my bell.

* Ring *

" Now if I can be excused, Kellin is ringing for me." He says annoyed and I hear him walk up the stairs, and enter my room.

" Hey." I say simply.

" Hey." He replies.

" Saved by the bell." I say sarcastically.

" Yeah, thanks.." He replies.

Mike enters the room. " Vic, can you go clean up your plate down there, unless Kellin wants any since you barely even touched it."

" I'm okay." I reply.

" You sure? You haven't ate since you got here." Mike says.

I shrug a bit.

" I'll be back." Vic says as he exits.

" Soooo." Mike smirks.

" So?" I raise an eyebrow.

" At around 2 am or whatever, I got up to go get a drink of water, and saw you and Vic ' cuddling' " He smiles.

" Oops." I say simply, looking away.

" If you two end up getting together, just make sure you don't ever cheat on him or break up with him?" He asks nicely.

" First off." I say looking at him. " I'm way too ugly to cheat on someone." I roll my eyes. " Second, why would I break up on his perfect little face?"

Mike nods. " Fair enough." He continues. " My parents only had one other foster besides you.. him and I fell in love.. he was my little turtle." He sighs. " but he..." He stutters. " He killed himself, and I never got to say goodbye." He frowns. " Uhm.. sorry I should uh, go.."

" Sorry to hear that." I frown. " I think I may have knew him at one point."

He nods and exits the room, Vic entering shortly after.

" He looks upset." He frowns. " What were you two talking about?"

" Somehow his ex was brought into conversation." I said and Vic knew what I was talking about.

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