Bloodlust | OS

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welcome to my random book! mostly these are a collection of writing pieces made for my entertainment if I were ever to become bored, as I do most of these days, or for my dedicated, super-cute friends. if you stumble on this book from somewhere other than my profile, well, shit, i'm getting noticed!



beastlybones, aka my first wattpad idol who inspired me to keep going on in this website. you're the reason I'm friends with a lot of these wattpadders, i honestly don't even know what i would do without you!

( sorry if this freaks you out a bit, lmao )

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Kimberly, in her tedious mood, was walking down an alleyway when she first felt that, rather unusual and a bit freaky to her viewpoint, sensation.

It was a tug, so to say. It kept pulling the girl until she couldn't help it but follow the strange attraction. And so this tug lead her to a bar not far from where her usual route back to her apartment was. In all honestly, Kimberly didn't even know such a place existed in this part of the city. Oh well, she said to herself, there's always a bar in a city.

She walked in, having absolutely no shilling of an idea what would be in the bar. The girl thought of many things that could go wrong here, such as everyone staring at her with her polka-dot navy-blue dress or being swept into a huge bar fight between two burly men with tattoos covering every centimetre of their skin.

At last, she peaked with one eye to discover that no one had given a damn that she even existed. Of course, she pondered. No one could've noticed a petite young woman walking into a bar when they're so focused on their drinks. That's what she concluded, when she eyed the crowd of people chugging on their beer bottles and shot glasses.

That irritating tug was still there, however, and it scolded her to sit down at the counter. Kimberly was practically imprisoned to the urges by now, and so she did as she was dragged to do. She was a nervous wreck, trying not to look at anyone too much without being caught in that act.

It certainly wasn't curiosity that drew her here. The intention for the tug was much more than just her wandering mind. As she pondered more about it, the more it drove her mad. She was going to lose her marbles trying to figure out this sudden urge that kept pulling her in some unknown direction.

It is only then that she'd attract the bartender's attention. A 5'7" lady with a nose ring from Kimberly's observations, she slid over to the confused girl. "Neva' seen you befoh," her thick accent slurred through the words like slime, "whot can I get cha?"

"Beer." The word slipped out before Kimberly had the chance to think, and the bartender had already snatched a bottle for her. She sighed, flashing a faint smile at the tattooed lady right next to her before popping the drink open.

The sharp pang of the beverage caused Kim to flinch for a moment, but she swallowed her instinct to cough to avoid suspicion around her. This wasn't her first time having a strong drink like beer, though. She almost choked when taking in a cocktail that had been the strongest at the club it was served in and had to be hospitalised for two days, much to her friend's humour.

"You don't seem to be like a gal who would roam around these parts."

Kimberly's head shifted to the left to see a man casually sitting himself next to her. Short, dirty blonde hair with a sharp, muscular build, he looked like a girl's fantasy bad boy that had aged 10 years. The assumption was more supported with that fact that he was wearing only black.

"I live around here," answered Kimberly, who was trying to keep herself in a cool, monotone voice. She took in another gulp of the beer just to add to her facade.

"It's very dangerous for a petite woman like you to go around at night," he warned. Dwindling around like a ladybug in garden, and you're bound to get yourself killed, ma'am."

Yes, because I felt this sudden urge to go to a bar filled with murderous people! "I can take care of myself," she brushed off with a sudden confidence.

It was like a spark that had exploded in her, and it certainly caught the man off guard. "That's fine, love." A pause. "Would you like me to escort you home?"

"Sure." It was a defiantly quick answer, but Kimberly caught herself before she could say an answer that could've fucked up the conversation.

He set his feet down and offered his hand. "Then, let's go home."


The tug was much stronger than ever before, and Kimberly was starting to worry. Was it an illness? An illness about a tug? She'd definitely hear it before, but all she could make up was a blank state.

Theodore, as the man revealed his name to be during their walk, was very chill in a manner, though it scared Kimberly. She had allowed him to escort her back to her apartment for damn's sake, he could be a serial killer with psychotic tendencies under that mask of calmness. His hands were kept in the pockets of his black leather duster at all times, and he wore a straight, emotionless face as they carried on.

They kept each other away from their businesses until several echoed sounds alerted them both. A male and a female, one moaning in pleasure, and the other groaning in pain. What didn't fit the logical equation was that Kim could hear these erotic sounds from one mile away where they were at, and that Theodore could hear them too.

She couldn't ask the question right away because Theodore had sprinted to the source of the noise, giving her no option but to follow the man.

The scenery of the source was horrific. Both the male and female were half-naked, and the man was practically gripping the girl's hands so tightly that Kim swore she witnessed bones cracking. The explicit scene was too disgusting for the young woman to describe fully, as the shock was wracking through her body.


The action took a hairbreadth of a moment, but Kimberly could tell a knuckle had connected with a hard object. Then, she saw the half-naked man falling onto the hard ground, blood and two small teeth spitting out from his mouth. Theo had landed a direct punch to the rapist's face, and now held the barely conscious victim on his right arm.

Rather than just leaving the man for dead on the cobblestone alleyway, something in Kimberly snapped. Nothing could explain what had happened, but in a split-second, she had the bloodied man pinned to a building with an immense force.

Kimberly had no control of her body anymore; something devilish was now making the decisions for her body. She eyed his neck for a nanosecond before opening her mouth. Her mind went overdrive as she witnessed herself gorging on the blood of a rapist in her own hands. The red liquid seeped through her fangs as she drank every one last drop of it dry. Satisfaction an euphoria was running through her veins as the body limped onto the cobblestone.

"You were looking for me."

Her eyes flashed back at Theodore, who was now carrying the victim with both his hands.

"Bloodlust, Kimberly," he carried on. "The urge is especially crazy for a vampire in my lineage."

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