5 months later (prt 2)

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After we dropped the kids off at school...well Crystal Brayden and Bryena are at home with Barry and Shelby
As they arrived at the doctor Cyd and Naldo got out of the car and walked in and they signed in and when they got into the waiting room they saw a lot of pregnant teenagers and so they sat down and then 5 minutes later the doctor came in

"Mr and Mrs Montoya?" The doctor said then they stood up and walked to the nurse

"Ok perfect just follow me." The nurse said then they followed the nurse into a room "now the doctor will be here in a moment." The nurse said then she put the little clipboard in the little slot and walked on

"Naldo aren't you nervous?" Cyd asked

"Nah I done this a thousand times." Naldo said as he held Cyd hand

"Thanks." Cyd said then the doctor came in

"Hello my name is dr fuller (A/N:fuller house reference get it) and I will be your nurse for today." The doctor said

"Thanks so I was told to be here for my 5 month pregnancy check up." Cyd said

"Right ok so why don't we take a look ok." Dr fuller said

"Ok." Cyd said

5 Minutes later

"Ok well there are good news and there are some bad news which would you like to hear?" Dr fuller said

"How about the good news." Cyd said holding Naldo's hand

"The good news is the gender is a boy so he is healthy." Dr fuller said

"See Naldo I told you it a boy." Cyd said

"But don't get to excited." Dr fuller said

"Why what the bad news." Cyd said

"There might be a 90% chance you will have of losing this baby see Cyd don't take this the wrong way you'll never know he might end up living here the thing you are almost at the verge of your deadline from having kids." Dr fuller said as she placed a hand on Cyd's arm

"Is there something to do that we can cure it?" Naldo asked worried

"I'm afraid not." Dr fuller said

"well thanks Dr fuller." Cyd said then she left

"I really do wish there was something I can do." Dr fuller said

"Thanks for helping doctor so do I." Naldo said then he left and shut the door behind him

Back at home
When they arrived they got out and Cyd walked into the house and ran upstairs

"Hey Naldo what's wrong with Cyd?" Shelby asked

"I'll tell you in the kitchen not in front of the kids." Naldo said then they walked into the kitchen

"So what is it?" Shelby asked

"It Cyd we went to find out the gender of our baby and-"

"Really what is it going to be?" Shelby said

"A boy but that not all the reason why she crying is because this could may be her last baby she will ever get and with that happening she can risk losing the baby." Naldo said then Shelby had a hand over her mouth

"Oh dear I need to talk to her." Shelby said then she went upstairs

Awe poor Cyd hope you like it ok bye
-Hannah Nicole

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