Chapter 14

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Marine's POV

It was almost dark out, but the school wouldn't close down. We had a fire drill that got in the way of our classes, so we are now stuck after school hours two hours into our own time. Time I should be spending trying to contact Yummiko. I have a reliable source, the art teacher, Mr. Sparrow, which, in my opinion, is on a whole new level of being gay. He freaking hits on the boys. Honestly, why can't Yummiko be here on the days that something interesting happens to this gods forsaken school? What was I talking about again? Oh yeah! Mr. Sparrow. He's my inside look as to the boys perspective of this school. One of them might have a crush on one of my, or Yummiko's targets. We could use that.

Me and Mr. Sparrow go way back! Like, elementary school back. Mr. Sparrow helped me work my way up to the top of my school, but he had to leave to teach here, so I was left alone. Now I was determined more than ever to get into this school. Mr. Sparrow was the closest thing I had to family. So I worked my ass off and got in! And I'm right where I am today! A softmore at thirteen. Heh, suck it mom and dad. I was making my way over to the art class room, not in any particular rush. My bag was stuffed silly with files and my laptop, which took up most of the space by the way. Ever since I had struck gold with making the deal with Yummiko, I've been totally on this whole mission thing. I've done research, 

I've made data charts. Hell, I even made a thirty six paged packet with all of the victim's background information just for the fun of it.(Hey, I was very bored don't judge me.) I pushed open the door, and three boys were in the class room they all looked the same age. Mr. Sparrow was in there, sitting on his desk, attempting to seduce them or something. I smiled evilly,

"Come to the gay side." I said in my most messed up old man voice. All four men looked at me, "they have rainbows." I finished. The younger boys began to panic and quickly packed up their stuff, and rushed towards the door. I stepped out of the way, keeping my evil grin on my face. I bowed, making a very overdramatic gesture towards the door, and they quickly left. Mr. Sparrow was glaring at me. I smirked at him,

"Oh come on Mr. Sparrow. I did you a favor." I said defensively. He shook his head and walked around the room, putting away miscellaneous items.

"I was this close Marine. This close." He said, holding up his fingers in a visual. I widened my eyes and bobbed my head sarcastically,

"Oooooh? That close huh? From what? Them getting a restraining order against you?" I asked. The teacher snorted, and leaned against a desk, his highly muscular arms propping himself up.

"No, from- ugh. Never mind..." he said. I laughed,

"Ok. Whatever you say." I said. I set up my stuff on the desk he was sitting at.

"So, got anything for me today?"

"Like what?" He asked, gazing at the ceiling. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Anything interesting?" I turned again. The teacher gasped and clapped his hands, this got my attention,

"Oh! A few boys were hanging around Divya out side my classroom, and she was flirting with them." He said. I pursed my lips and typed that.

"Anything else?" I asked. Mr. Sparrow shook his head,

"Nope. That's it." He said. I sighed, and unpacked all my other stuff. Besides my office, this is where I come to so my research on me and Yummiko's targets. Mr. Sparrow began to work around the art classroom. He was in the middle of cleaning the white board when he stopped, a confused look on his face,

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