Chapter 23

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Yummiko POV

"Hey Kaden!" I called to him as I bounced into the photography classroom. He turned to look at me, and he smiled. He actually smiled. Oh, how I miss your vibrant and radiant face my love! My light! My sunshine! My- my phone buzzed in my skirt pocket. I quickly pulled it out, I had received a message from Eli,

'So, the movie thing, are we still on?' oh no! I forgot to tell him! I quickly messaged back,

'Oh! I'm so sorry! My date is on Thursday night!' I paused, and messaged him again, 'Hold on... I told you that already.' I got a quick reply from him.

'Heh, yeah. Sorry about that. I was thinking about something else.' yeah, like pulverizing the person who asked me out. I'm not stupid. I know you like me and I've known you like me. Kaden walked over to me, I had to wrap this up fast.

'Ok. I gtg. See you later.'


I put my phone away and faced Kaden, smiling at him. I hugged him,

"Woah! Where did this come from?" He asked. I let go of him, and giggled,

"I'm just so happy that a certain someone asked me out." I teased. He smiled at me,

"Marine told you huh?" He asked, I nodded, smiling brightly at him. He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly avoiding my eyes,

"Yeah. I'm so sorry about that whole awkward thing the other day. I was just so tired because I stayed up all night studying for a test and you completely caught me off guard with the 'asking me to the dance' question and I just stood there like an idiot-"

I quickly shushed him by putting my finger to his lips,

"Please, I don't want to relive it. I was internally screaming after I randomly asked you out to that... it was just the first thing that came to mind and I-" I stopped myself. I didn't want to make this even more weirder than it already is. He chuckled,

"I thought you'd never say that." He said happily. We began our assignment, the whole time Kaden and I were secretly passing each other notes like a couple of grade school students. It was all on the same piece of paper. He used blue ink and I used red ink.

'So, when are we going to meet up?' I scribbled on the sloppily ripped out piece of note book paper.

'Midnight.' he replied. I glanced at the answer,


'In the gardens, where we took that first photo shoot together.'

The rest of the day, Kaden and I stuck close together, like nothing has, and ever will ever come between us. The rest of my squad would walk with us. We would pass Perla in the hallway and she would give a discreet wave to me. I smiled and waved back, and kept walking. Eli was with us, and he soon caught onto who my date was. He seemed depressed the rest of the day, like, very depressed. Kaden, Eli, Marine, Sahil, Perla and I all ate outside on the roof. Perla was still getting her food from the cafeteria, and Marine and Sahil were off doing gods knows what, and Kaden excused himself to the bathroom, so it was just Eli and I. We both sat in silence. I had to get out of here. It was getting awkward really fast an I didn't want anything to spoil today for me. I got up, excused myself, and began to walk away,

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