The asshole (Felix x Reader)

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Felix was an asshole all together. He would always taunt and make remarks about you, saying things like 'what a fox' or 'Want a good time?' He was perhaps the last person on earth you would sleep with. The guy has no manners or sense of quality what so ever. You had a job to do and you had to do it right, otherwise chances are you would be out of a job.

(Y/n) is what they call you, a normal merc, just looking for money, even if it would involve killing. Felix on the other hand, had different ideas, even if you were known for doing anything for money, you were no prostitute. Felix being the idiot that he actually is, started bribing you for a great time. You however we're no idiot and his efforts grew more and more desperate each day. This seemed more amusing to you, the desperate tones in his voice were a bit overwhelming. Felix was a typical male, so chances are he has already hooked up with the majority of the female workers and mercs. His number one goal now was to add you to his victorious gloating that he got you in his bed, the bastard. You swore you would not give him his satisfaction.

You just got done with your weekly training sessions when all of a sudden, Felix put you in a chokehold, his grip surprisingly strong, not giving you enough time to maneuver around he then picks you up off your feet, causing you to completely lose your breath.

"Aww, c'mon Y/N, I thought you were tougher than that." He teased, your legs barely touching the floor. Instinctively you kicked back your foot, causing him to fall on one knee, a sling of cuss words following. He still had a hard grip on your neck, and him dragging you to the floor did not help your case. Struggling as best as you could, you still failed to get out of his grip.

Felix had started kissing your neck now, this ha caused you to freeze, shivers going your spine, your face flushed red, his arms moved down to your waist at this time. You were trying not to breath heavily but the pleasure of the butterfly kisses told you otherwise.

Felix let go of his grip on you, but you sill leaned on him, your face flushed your nerves were tensed, this encounter caused you to have quite a hicky on your neck. You leaned forward touching the mark then you slowly turned twords Felix.

"You know if you want more we can go to my room." He snickered. Right away you slapped him strait, your temper getting the best of you, leaving him stunned, eyes wide. This made you somewhat laugh at the fact that he didn't expect it from you.

"How dare you do that!" Was only reponse to what happened

"Thought you might have liked it." He muttered rubbing his face you both still sitting on the floor.

"Well, maybe if you asked, I most likely would have." Your response left him stunned. He looked confused for a long moment then had a look of complete suprise. You grabbed the back of his head pulling him twords you and kissed him roughly feeling him smirk as he deepened the kiss. You then shoved him over, having him lay on the ground before walking away.

"Next time ask." Was all you said.

Omg i am soo tiredd i am so sorry i owe this to all ya fam honestly. Getting the locus one out soon though.

Why isnt it updating!!!! Nkokk

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