Chapter 4 Walk to School & Project

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Chapter 4

walks to school & Projects

My eyelids were locked. They would not open even though my alarm was screeching, making my ears bleed.

I pulled open my eyes. Walking like a zombie. I reached the bathroom striping my clothes off, and letting the cool water do its job.

Finally, exhaustion left me, and I walked out of the bathroom to my closet, with a towel around me. I stopped when my phone vibrated on the victorian, style furniture. Picking it up, and reading the terrifying message. I screamed.

Unknown: You look good in a white towel Chica

Me: Jacob I will personally rip your ball's of! How the hell did you get my number?

Unknown (Jacob): I have my people.

Me: So, you're a stalker?

Jacob: No! Your window is opposite mine btw, and I'm complementing you. You're such a buzz kill!

I left my iPhone, and sprinted towards the walk in closet. Slamming the door shut, I preceded picking out a red plaid dress, studded black combat boots'. I changed expeditiously. I decided to put my wavy, brown hair in a pony tail, and ran towards the door, but stopped when dad called my name. I headed towards the humongous, yet pulchritudinous kitchen, staring at dad.

"Bella you know Jace right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well, we're having dinner at his house on Saturday, he's mom offered kindly, just to let you know."

"How did you meet his mom?" I question dad hesitated for a second, placing he's glasses on the bridge of he's nose. "Just in the supermarket, and I'm planning on retiring, I think it's time. I get to know my beautiful daughter." He continued and I smiled kissing his cheek I did not know much about his job, just that he worked in the military. I once again smiled at his statement, heading towards the front gate. The automatic gate opened in a slow pace. I tapped my boots' on the concrete floor impatiently, but stopped when Jace came into view.

"Hey Arabelle, are you going school?" He questioned, itching the back of he's neck. I replied a quick yes before we started walking to our destination."What are you doing here?" I asked with a smile. "Just need some advice, from a girl." He replied walking with he hand's in his pockets.

"So, you like Skylar?" I questioned getting right to the point. We passed a few more houses', and some had beautiful red roses' It made me think white roses were perfect with its delicate petals, but red roses' do not represent perfection it represents flaws like thorns, but covers it up with its beauty. Jace replied after a few minutes later.

"I love her, but I think if I tell her my secrets she's going to judge me, do you think she would?"

"Jace, trust me if she loves you then she won't judge I promise." I smiled as we continued to walk towards the school gates. "But, ignoring her will only push her away, and before you know it she is going to move on." I gave him a firm stare as he stared moon struck.

"I feel very uncomfortable with this conversation kiddo!" He ruffled my hair, and I stayed frozen kiddo played in my head numerous times. Where have I heard that before? Noticing my expression, he coughed playing with his phone awkwardly.

After a few seconds of awkward silence Jace recovered, and made hilarious jokes about his well our friends, and cussed me a few times, but it was cool.

"You told me all this because?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Because you're important to me, in a way you don't understand." He left me speechless what he said had many deep meanings'. Jace is someone close, and I know somewhere inside my instincts are true.



It is favourite subject because it's the only subject that explains the significance, and the reasons behind many historical events', but it is ruined by the one, and only Jacob Reece Knight.

Why? You may ask well, because he is constantly on his phone either texting, or watching funny, yet disturbing videos' on YouTube.

Nate sat in the far end of the old, small classroom, he winked at me a few time's, but It didn't feel right, so I ignored it. Which left him with an angered expression? He looked constipated yet angered.

"Why are you here?"

"To learn Chica." He smirked making my blood boil.


"Now class we are going to have an assignment on the holocaust, the details are on this sheet, and your partner is the person beside you any questions?"

I stared at the teacher then back to my so called partner, the thought of us working together made me cringe. "Miss Can I change my partner?" I asked politely raising my hand.

"No Arabelle you and Jacob are AP students, so no." She explained my jaw dropped.

Jacob is an AP student?

"Yes, I'm clever Chica, now shut your mouth it's rude!"

"You're smart? You have been YouTube videos for the whole damn lesson!"

"Well, you see I know all this shit, and the only way I learn is by distractions."

I stared gawking like an idiot as he rambles on, and once again I looked at his aesthetics. He is wearing a white tee under his unbuttoned denim shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of timberlands.

He is the definition of a Greek God.

"Chica lets go the bells gone." Jacob snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded walking towards the door, of the empty classroom. I tripped on the leg of a chair, twisting my ankle in the process. I shreeked.

"Arabelle, are you okay?" Jacob asked concerned.

"I'm fine just sprained my ankle." Nate came in a second later picking me up bridal style. He's picked me up, like I'm baggage, no respect that I hurt my ankle. Theres no sympathy.

"What you doing?" Jacob took the words out of my mouth. It was almost like, Nate was waiting behind the door.

"Taking her to the nurse's office!" Nate yelled his face was again red with fury making me feel frightened, I jumped off scowling when my left ankle hit the floor with a thud."Come on Chica let me take you?" He put a protective arm around my waist, and I didn't complain, his touch was soft like velvet whereas Nate's was harsh, and rough. We made it half way before Valentino came into view with a frown. "Cupcake what's wrong?"

"Cupcake Seriously! Valentino?" I asked my eyebrows rose.

"It made you smile right?"

"It did Valentino it did." I repeated meeting Jacob's emerald orbs.

"Shall we?" Jacob asked with a smile.

"Yeah" I took a step forward, but nearly slipped so, Jacob picked me up bridal style. Jacob picks me up like a delicate flower, almost as if he is scared his going to hurt me.

"Clumsy as always!"

"Oh! Chica we're going to do the assignment in a special place okay?"

"I don't have a choice." I muttered.

Well, that was totally not confusing!

Note the sarcasm.

Well, one thing I know is that Jacob Reece Knight has a soft side.


This chapter was to define the characters a bit more so its quite boring!

I hope you guys don't think im going to fast because lots of shit is going to happen so these are just filler chapters.;)

Thank you everyone for your comments sorry I didn't reply because it won't let me but I did read it ;)

I edited the bit where the teacher asks Arabelle to sit next to Skylar & Jace. Some people where confused so yeah



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