The Funeral

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The atmosphere at the funeral was tense. Mrs Getrude's dad and aunt were standing around her grave with their heads down.

In loving memory
Lucinda Gertrude
A loving mom and daughter

"I wonder who her child is" I said out loud. I've known Mrs Gertrude for over 5 years and I didn't know she had any children. "Wendy, come and help your aunt put on her coat and stop daydreaming" said my sister Thandeka. My aunt was sick. She lost both her legs in a car accident when she was still in High School. She was a very beautiful woman with short brown hair, she didn't really care about looks so she never put on make-up, whereas Thandeka would never leave the house without putting on her red lipstick or her eyeliner that she got from her boyfriend along with a make-up gift bag.

"How is she doing today?" I asked Thandeka putting on Aunt Laura's shoes.

"She's better than yesterday" replied Thandeka. "But I still think she needs yo go see the doctor."

My Aunts condition really worried me, it changed every day so we were constantly in fear of something bad happening to her.

"I'll be back" I said leaving the tent with the rest of the mourners. I headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water for Aunt Laura.

I had never been to a funeral before so it was quite a weird scene for me. I didn't know how to react when walking past a member of the deceased's family or whether to greet them, so I just walked past with my head down. When I arrived at the kitchen I closed the door behind and went straight to the kitchen cupboards to look for a glass to pour some water for my aunt in. I got distracted and started admiring the deco in the kitchen, everything was well put together. The blue curtains went well with the cream white coloured tiles and the wooden ceiling. I got so distracted that I started wondering around the cottage and into the bedroom. I emidiately noticed a big mirror in the middle of the room with a chair and I went to sit on it to admire my curls that I had made early in the morning before the funeral.

"What are you doing her?" Said a voice from the corner of the room. I got so scared that I almost fell of the chair and kicked the mirror in front of me. I turned around to see who that came from and I saw a figure sitting on the bed at the end of the room.

"I... I'm sorry" I said nervously "I thought I was alone." He gave me a cold look and pointed at the door. "I'll be on my way" I said heading for the door. I walked back into the kitchen, picked up the glass and poured my water and left.

The priest started with the ceremony and the immediate family members filled up the front row. We sat in the second row next to Aunt Laura's auncles and aunts. There was a buzzing sound of people crying and screaming. One lady got up to look at the grave and fainted on her way back. Two men had to go and help her up.

The day ended when everyone was done eating lunch. And everyone went to their cars so they can go home.

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