chapter 7

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just wanted to tell you guys that i love it when you comment it fills me with a beautiful warm feeling that you care enough to comment i also love all you people that bother reading and voting, i just love you all anyway so this is basically me saying thanks to all the people who bothered enough to care :) ;) 💖.


Once the boys had fully awoken they shuffled off to Draco's bed. Albeit to the disappointed sighs of many girls who would miss the presence of the adorable couple. Once the boys had reached the bed Draco pulled Harry into a comfortable cuddled that had Harry leaning into the other boys' strong chest and fighting against the urge to curl up and sleep in the protective muscular arms that encompassed him. Draco noticed as Harry tried to suppress a yawn and failed. So, he leaned down and whispered in the green-eyed boy ear "go to sleep Harry I'll wake you up in the morning." Draco Placed a light kiss on the boy's forehead before Harry snuggled right up to Draco's chest and succumbed to the darkness of sleep. Harry knew he would not be touched by his nightmares or any other form of pain because Draco held him and Harry had faith that he would not let go.

And when Harry awoke in the morning he was not surprised by the comforting warmth that encircled. However, the comfort didn't last for very long because Draco nudged Harry and started saying something about getting up but Harry only snuggled closer to Draco reluctant to start his day. So, Draco heaved Harry out of bed and placed him on his feet "come on Harry we missed a whole day of school yesterday we have to go today. I promise you can sit with me in class." "okay" Harry nodded and with that thought Draco cast a quick tidying charm on Harry, and they both headed off to transfiguration for the day.

But in transfiguration Harry was greeted by the sight of Ron Weasley who only glared and scowled at Harry. The real problem was when class started the snide comments were constant and soul crushing Harry could feel the comments bringing him down as he sat in the cold hard chair that did nothing to comfort him. The only thing that kept Harry from breaking down right then and there was Draco's hand that clasped his reassuringly and words that Draco whispered in Harry's ear it kept him strong against Ron's brutal onslaught of words. Then as they were leaving class Ron muttered the most hurtful words he had said yet "you're just a gay faggot that no one cares about Potter"

And it was those words that finally broke Harry within seconds Harry had tears streaming down his face like a dam that had just burst and no matter how hard Harry tried they wouldn't stop they just keep flowing freely, flooding the boy's face with trail after trail of hot salty tears. Hermione had had enough "Ron you're such a git you know that. Here Harry is moving on with his life after your sister dumped him! And you can't even reassure him about anything. You know how Harry feels about rejection and having no one care about him, he opened up to us about that. And what do you do you throw it in his face like the fact that he trusted you enough to share that information with you means nothing and you can just throw it around willy nilly." She finished positively seething. Ron now red in the face was about to reply but was quickly cut off. "No Ronald until you man up and apologise to Harry and I mean genuinely apologise for the spiteful words you said I refuse to talk to you and you can forget about us dating its over until you grow up!" And with that Hermione stormed off leaving a gaping Ronald who very much resembled a goldfish.

Harry some reassurance in the words that Hermione had pelted Ron with but Ron's words still stung and his eyes still watered but it was more of a damp trickle now rather than the amazon rivers he had before. Then his body was engulfed in warmth and his face was turned towards a beautiful blonde boy with silver eyes and then their lips meet. The world around Harry fell apart and there was only Draco and him standing in their own little world with no scathing remarks, no harsh comments just the heat and passion of two boys deeply in love. Draco's arms slowly wrapped around Harry's small frame and encased him in a delicate warmth that spread throughout his body. Quickly Harry slipped his arms around Draco's neck before they pulled apart their mouths to breathe in the sweet-scented air around them. It was as the pure belated bliss of the kiss wore off that Harry noticed is classmates wolf whistling and cheering. At this realisation, Harry blushed an adorable red that had all the girls "awwwwing" which only added to Harry blush that was now racing towards his neck. Draco was glad that Harry had been able to forget the spiteful words that Weasley had hurled at him and allowed himself to be completed enamoured by one Draco Malfoy.

It was with a newfound spring in his step that Harry practically skipped off to his next class holding Draco's slightly larger hand in his. And luck seemed to finally be on Harry's side because as he waltzed into charms there was not a flash of red hair to be seen or a malicious comment to be heard. This day was shaping up to be better already. The only thing that could make the day any better for Harry would be mouth-watering slice of treacle tart to fill the empty void in his stomach. This was an un-usual feeling for Harry because it wasn't often that he felt hungry in fact more often than not food made Harry want to puke the contents of his stomach out. Harry had no idea why he suddenly had the urge to eat, he knew he was under weight and that most teenagers usually ate a lot but it had never bothered him before so why now.


I know it's a bit later than usual but I hope you can forgive me for my tardiness. Also I won't be able to update this weekend my family and I are going camping so I won't have any wifi but were getting someone to housesit well were gone. Anyway hope you guys all enjoyed that chapter and hopefully next chapter I will tackle Harry's eating disorder.

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