chapter 9

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yes this is the chapter where Ron stops being such a bloody git swallows his pride and apologises to Harry maybe? so it will be mostly rons thoughts and feelings. Also my name will be changed by the time that i Put chapter ten out so if you feel like searching for me it will be under the name Hermione-chase-Heartfilia also big thanks to @NightingaleB07 I am gonna go by gender and i also relate to these people more so thanks. yep thats about it on with and forthwith


 Ron couldn't believe Hermione not only had she stuck up for Harry but she had then insulted Ron and told him that until he apologised she wouldn't date him. And all of this for that little git Harry, why couldn't they see that he was a slimy Slytherin. He was dating Malfoy for Christ sake a pure blood, muggle-born hating, green and silver covered, slippery snake-like Slytherin. Yet nobody said anything about it except Ron they were all blinded by ignorance couldn't they see that the vicious little blonde Slytherin was winding Harry around his finger and entwining Harry in his evil ways. How could so many people including Hermione stand by and watch Harry be manipulated and moulded in the blonde's perfect little puppet.

And yet right now Ron wasn't being much better than Malfoy. He was hurling constant insults at Harry and taking information that Harry had told him in confidence and allowing the public to know what was considered private information to Harry. But it just wasn't fair what reason did Harry have for dating a slimy git and how did Hermione stand the blonde who was probably even more pretentious, pompous and conceited the more you got to no him rather than the less. how could they stand being around the blonde git, talking to him and in Harry's case loving him, Ron just couldn't fathom how they did it. Nor what drove them to want to be around the blonde ass.

Who cared if Harry looked happier than he had in years what about Ron's own happiness? And that was when it hit the snooty red head he had been so caught up in his own world with no concern for Harry a boy who he had called his best friend. How could he even a claim a friendship with Harry when he had neglected the poor boy so badly that he had completely pushed the boy aside like a mere acquaintance, as if they had not known each other for seven years. Ron had to admitted he had been a git, a right foul git. And you never know maybe Malfoy.... No it had to be Draco know didn't it Ron thought, maybe he wasn't so bad once you got to know him, Maybe? Well he would at least try to work on getting to know the blonde but for Harry and no one else.

Now all Ron had to was figure out how to apologise to Harry. He would not be going to the rest of his classes he had an apology to think up. And not just any apology a sincere profuse apology full of his feelings of remorse and regret and probably a little something about how he was a massive idiot. So Ron headed to the dorm where he would plan out a massive apology... It had been hours and piles of parchment surrounded Ron and yet not a single one contained a decent word, it was pointless Ron thought as he banged his head against the desk which did nothing but kill brain cells, he was never going to come up with something for once he wished he was as wordy as Hermione so that he could right something decent enough that it would convey his feelings. Then he had it. It wasn't much but Ron felt like it conveyed his feelings enough that it would get his point across to Harry.

He'd spent weeks literal weeks staring at Harry and trying to find the guts to apologise but whenever he felt like he could do it there was always someone with him and he immediately lost any confidence he thought he might of had. He would end up just turning around and running in the opposite direction. But this only resulted in Ron sitting and bathing in his own self-loathing for being such a coward some Gryffindor he was.

Then it happened it was after defence against the dark arts Harry had stayed back to ask the teacher a question and Ron saw his opportunity, so he waited for Harry outside the classroom. Then he took his opportunity the minute Harry stepped outside the classroom Ron began to talk "I really have to te...." he was quickly cut off by Harry " I don't want to hear it Ron" Harry said and turned to walk away but suddenly he heard a strangled "please" come from Ron it was desperate and full of emotion and as much as he wanted to ignore the obnoxious red head he couldn't especially not with that pleading look in his eyes that were sparkling with unshed tears that lined the bottom of his eyes threatening to spill over like a barely contained dam. "Okay I'll listen" said Harry in a barely audible whisper.

"Look Harry I'm so sorry it's all my fault I'm such a git. I was so blinded by hatred for Draco that I just couldn't be happy that you were finally happy. I'm such an ass hole Harry I said so many horrible deplorable things to you, I don't even know how I ended up with a friend as good as you. I didn't deserve you and I still don't. I'm not even asking for you to forgive or forget. Just please don't hate me Harry, please." Ron was almost on his knees begging and the tears that had previously been held back were now glistening trails on his cheeks that continued to spill over uncontrollably rolling down his cheeks in waves. But Ron wasn't the only one crying Harry also had rivers upon rivers of tears covering his blotchy red face, his eyes were puffed up and he was finding hard to see but he bent down towards Ron and wrapped his arms around him anyway.

Suddenly Ron felt the warmth of Harry's arms envelop and he whispered the words that Ron had so desperately wanted to hear from Harry but never thought the sweet words would grace his ears. "I forgive you Ron, of course I do that's all I wanted was an apology thank god. It was killing me I thought you hated" Harry finished with a sniffle. He and Ron than collapsed on the floor with there tear stained cheeks and Draco turned the corner wondering what was taking Harry so long and then he saw his beautiful boyfriend lying on the floor with a faint trail of tears on his cheeks and puffy red eyes. He immediately saw red.

Draco grabbed the weasels robs and banged his back against the wall "what did you do to him?" he snarled at the red head. Harry quickly got to his feet he had to stop this before it escalated, he grabbed Draco. "No Draco don't he didn't do anything, in fact he apologised. I promise Draco they were tears of joy." Harry plead "so he didn't hurt you at all?' Draco asked concerned for Harry's well being, Harry just shook his head. Draco released Ron and quickly pulled Harry into a tight embrace "thank god" He whispered into Harry's ear " don't ever scare me like Harry." "okay, Draco" Harry replied.

"so you fixed things with Weasley then?" Draco questioned. "yeah we did" Harry replied. "That's good" Draco said before bending down to place a warm kiss on Harry's cheek. And all wrong could think was how had he been so blind Draco loved Harry with all he had and Ron had been a git about it. He really was a horrible person and yet Harry forgave him time and time again. Ron truly didn't deserve Harry and yet fate had blessed him with this angel of a friend. Ron could see how Draco loved the raven Haired boy with all his heart.


sorry it took so long to update i planned to up date on Sunday but i ended up working Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and then i stayed over at my friends house so Didn't get a chance to up date until now sorry about that. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :). Next chapter will be smut Harry and Draco are taking there relationship to the next level, so if your not into smut you Don't have to read my next chapter.

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