Everything is going down hill... again

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I had to go to the doctors again, to find out whats wrong with me, turns out I have a low on vitamin D and iron, so I have to take tablets for that. The doctor says if that doesn't help me sleep, they will have to put me on some sleeping pills or whatever.

Also, before I went for my doctors appointment, I had to go to the hospital because my Pa isn't well. He has cancer and it's spreading really fast, when I got there my uncle and dad were crying because Pa was sleeping, he looked so peaceful like nothing was hurting him. The doctors have given him all the medication that they can give him, they are worried that because he's asleep, he might not wake up again.

So that's what's been going on with my life so... hope everyone else's life is going all right!

Hope you're lovin it. ❤️❤️❤️

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