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   Hi my names Dan . My life isn't all that great. Do you wanna know why ? Well here's why, I'm gay , yes Gay . Some people think that it's wrong for the same genders to be dating , mainly parents who worship the lord . They think it's unnatural in the world. The dates quo says that girls most like guys , other than guys can like guys, and girls can love girl. What type of bull shit is this . Do you people know the meaning of a free country or my body I can do what I please for my self? People don't know the struggle is real , like for real. I have at least six friends who know what I'm going through and that only because they're going through the same damn thing . Their names are Jake, kim, Gideon , Lola , Jeff , and the gayest of them all Maki. 😂 I don't mean to be mean but it's true, he dated about 9 boys in a row , can you say true hoe to laugh out loud.😂😂😂😂😂😂😅

#lgbt community is my life , if there were no lgbt community I would be a dead guy in the middle of the road , while no one not really caring a little shit about me just being there. So lucky that it's 2017 muthafuckers lol . I need to stop I'm just trying to hard right now .

To read more continue the stories of different lives of the kids that have the same problem to find the conclusion of every child's life and their love lives and the struggles 


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