Chapter 2

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Irene was a small, energetic woman who worked behind the snackbar. She always worked with energy.

"For how long has she worked here?" Kim asked putting ketchup onto her hotdog.

"Since I was a baby," Meredith said, sipping her Fresca. "Maybe even longer. I think she was working here when Uncle Tyler bought the place."

Bonnie waved her hand to get Irene's attention. "Irene, how long have u worked here for?"

Irene grinned. "If I tell you that you will know my age. Because I took this job after I retired."

"How old are you?" Kim asked, hoping she wasn't being rude.

Irene laughed. "Well I was 60 when I retired," she said. "I tried to just relax for a while, but it got boring. When Tyler bought the place, I came to help in the morning for him. Then I worked at the snackbar and have even working there ever since. Tyler only lets me work for 4 hours a day because he thinks I'm getting too old to work longer."

"Your not too old," Bonnie said nicely.

Irene smiled and wiped off the table they were sitting at.

"Well I'm a little slower now than back then," Irene said, flipping two cheeseburgers and onto the buns. "And sometimes I fall down and have to concentrate really hard to get myself back up on the ground. Staying active is key. If you just sit and do nothing when you retire, you mind as well just die:"

"I have a great- grandpa that is 97," Violet said. "He lives in Japan."

Irene's eyes widened. "He he being active? That's legendary. Is he going to come to America? Maybe you can introduce him to me."

Violet and Irene laughed, and Bonnie rolled her eyes and looked towards the snackbar. "Hey Irene, why didn't you bring any ROSEs today?" Are they growing?"

"No. It didn't grow today," Irene said. "When I planted them ten years ago, I said I wanted roses everyday, but when Hurricane Lily came none grew.

Bonnie explained. "Irene always has roses on the counter up there. Uncle Tyler says that's what gives Sandler Lanes it's swag."

"I never thought a bowling ally could be swag," Christy said. "Like, with the smell of shoes and sweat and everything-"

"I think Irene has lots of swag," Kim interrupted. Roses or no roses, that's the question."

"I love roses," Irene continued. "I wear rose perfume. At home I have rose decorated paper along my dresser drawers, and I have a big garden full of roses, and I-"

Irene stopped talking when Manny Limp came to the counter. "Can I have some water please?"

"Sure sweetie," Irene said, filling a glass with water. She gave it to Manny.

"Where was I again? Oh yah my garden. I always tell Tyler that when I die, I want him to bury me next to a rose garden. It won't matter since I'm dead, but it will bring comfort to people who visit."

Irene kept blabbering about roses, but Kim watched Manny as he drank his water. He was taller than she thought and was slim. "He would be really hot if he got his hair out of his eyes and we could see what he looked like." Kim whispered to Angelina.

Kim yelled at Manny. "Oh, your a fan of the New York Yankees?"

Manny looked at his shirt. "No not really," he said and walked out of the snackbar.

That's strange, Kim thought.

Irene was telling Bonnie and Violet a secret about growing roses, *I wonder if it has to do with a secret garden. (Outside author note).* but she was

Interrupted by mad sounds over at the front desk. Kim and Angelina were curious, so they peeked towards the front desk. At the desk they heard Mr. Sander arguing with another man with steam coming out of his ears.

"I'm really sick and tired of talking about this, Mr. Mosby," Mr. Sandler said. "My answer is no. Not this year or next year. You will have to find another way to make your supermarket bigger."

"It won't be a supermarket if I can't expand it," Mr. Mosby said impatiently. "It will by a regular grocery store, and that's not good enough today! People want medicine, post offices, flower centrers, and sport supplies in the store. If you won't see this dump to me, I'll be stuck with a stupid old grocery store. Why don't you understand?"

"Look me in the eyeball, Mosby," Mr. Sandler said. "I know what your going through but you have to understand this place is my life. It's not amazing and its small, but it is mine and you can not make me sell it. Not for 100,000 dollars or even 1 million. I'm not selling it."

Mr. Mosby's face got madder, and he pushed his way through the exit food and got into his car. Mrs. Sandler came out of her office and stood behind Mr. Sandler. "Won't he be back?" She said nervously.

"I don't even know," Mr. Sandler said. He put his hands in his pockets and moped. "Why can't he just leave me alone?"

Mrs. Sandler grabbed his shoulders. "Because they aren't happy." She said. They walked back into the office together.

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