Chapter 1: Fennick and the Card

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"Hey... Take this. Come when you feel you're ready..."

Fennick was startled awake from his dream. It wasn't that it was frightening or shocking, just that he was eager to find the source of the voice that echoed through his unconscious mind. He could have sworn that he had heard it before somewhere. It was so soothing, so calm. It was hard to imagine that this was the thing that woke him up when it was enough for someone to fall asleep to.

He rubbed his head, ruffling his red locks between his fingers. He wiped the sleep out of his matching crimson eyes and sniffled. It was quite rough on the body to sleep on a bus stop bench for the night. It left the muscles sore and definitely was setting up for a terrible time sleeping the next night and performing any tasks.

Having no place to go back to, Fennick spent his time working small jobs just enough to be given food and make his new home anywhere that he didn't have to worry about people. Life was certainly rough for him, but that didn't stop him from trying his hardest to get by. That's just how much determination he had, and it was admirable.

Fennick was abandoned by his parents as a young teenager. He told them he would be going with a friend to a park, and that they should pick him up so they wouldn't have to worry. His parents dropped him off and he spent his day playing and not having a care in the world. When it was time for him to leave, he told his friend that he didn't want to trouble them, and that his parents would get him, but they never did. He waited for hours until it got dark, but their familiar car never pulled up to get him. From that moment on, with no knowledge of how to get home or what any of their numbers were, Fennick decided to forget about his parents and take his life into his own hands.

The redhead sat up, stretching his once-cramped limbs and groaning. His eyes quickly adjusted to the almost blinding light of the sun shining down on him. He stared at the people waiting for the bus standing in front of him. He figured he should move as to not take up space from these strangers. Standing up, he gathered his little belongings from under the bench and started off in a random direction.

"It's a little chilly today.. I hope it doesn't snow tonight," He muttered to himself, checking his belongings as he walked to make sure he didn't lose anything during the night. There was a small wad of cash, a shirt and pants, some scraps of food he'd managed to buy, and all of it was wrapped in a bulky jacket. But something was a bit out of place: a small card.

Fennick cocked an eyebrow, stopping off to the side of the sidewalk. He took ahold of the card and flipped it over, "What is this..?" The card read:



"Weird.. I just had a dream about this.. Or at least, I think I did." Fennick looked the card over once more. He couldn't remember much from his dream, but he knew a lady gave him a card and told him to visit. Perhaps it wasn't a dream? He assumed it wasn't in this case.


That sentence made his eyes widen a bit. This unknown person was inviting him to their house and they didn't even know him. It made his grip tighten on the card, bending the paper. Was he feeling fear? Or was it excitement? While the both of those things seemed plausible, he settled on one word to describe it: acceptance.

Fennick swallowed hard. What if he showed up and they didn't want him? What if it was a bad time and he was forced to awkwardly wait for the right time? Questions flew through his nervous mind, causing his chocolate skin to glisten with sweat. He would wait until later in the day. It was too early right now, and there was a chance that whoever gave him this card last night wasn't awake. With that conclusion, he stuffed the card back with his possessions and started back on his way.

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