Ghost House

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         Katie is 18 years old. She is finally moving in the rest of her stuff, into her new house on the beach of Maui.The realtor told her everything she needed to know about the house, except that it was haunted. Katie was only told that the house was abandoned, and had been that way for several years. The day after Katie moved in, she decided to go take a walk on the beach. About half a mile down from her house she saw a guy that couldn't be much older than 20, and a little girl not much older than 3 or 4. As she got closer the guy came up to her and introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Josh", he said."What is your name."

"Hi, my name is Katie. And who is this cute little girl?"

         Josh told her that she was his 3 year old daughter Neveah. Katie and Josh ended up spending about an hour talking to each other. After the sun started to go down, she told him that she should probally be heading home and told him that she would like to see him again. After that she turned and started back to her house. When she got home she made a quick dinner and went to bed.  Katie woke up around 2 a.m. When she looked at the end of her bed she saw a little boy, but when she blinked he was gone. She went back to bed thinking that it was from being overly tired, and slept through the rest of the night. 

         When she woke up the next morning she saw the figure again, but just like during the night, she blinked and he was gone.  She got out of bed and went through her normal morning routine. She took her shower, got ready, and went downstairs to make breakfast. About an hour after she was done eating there was a knock at the door. so Katie got up and answered it, and to her suprise it was Josh and Neveah. He was there to ask her if she wanted to go eat. 

She replied, " Thank you Josh, but i have already eaten breakfast today."

Josh replied, " Ok, then i will take you to lunch later, how does that sound?"

"That sound good, where should we go?" asked Katie

"How about we all go down to the seafood restaraunt down the street." Josh replied. 

"Ok" replied Katie.

         A couple hours later around 11:30, they left to head to lunch. When they got there they had a great time talking and getting to know each other better. Josh was slowly falling in love and so was Katie. Neveah loved having her around so much, that she decided to try and make her daddy like Katie faster. She was a very pushy  little 3 year old. After lunch ended Josh took Katie back home and then Neveah and him left. Katie went for a walk after she got back and spent a couple hours enjoying the sunset, then she walked home. 

           When she got home she crawled in bed and fell asleep. The same thing happened again, she woke up, and there was a little boy standing at the edge of her bed. This time she decided to try and talk to him, but he just stood there and never said anything back. when she stood up to tried to go near him, he dissapeared. She was so freaked out that she crawled in bed and called Josh to see if he would come over. 

"Just calm down, and i will get Neveah up and we will come stay the rest of the night." Josh replied. 

            He hung up and was over at Katie's house shortly after. Katie slept on the couch, and let Josh have the room. The little ghost boy never returned for the rest of the night. In the morning Josh told Katie that he woke up several times, but never saw anything.

 "I am not sure what you saw the other night, but i promise you it wasn't there tonight". Josh said. 

"I am not sure either Josh, but i swear it was a little boy. maybe i am just overwhelmed from everything." replied Katie.

           After talking about everything for a while they consider calling the realistate agent to see if he knew anything. They got the appointment all set up, and loaded up and went to town. Once again he realistate agent swore he didnt know anything, but after talking for awhile the truth started to unravel.

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