Imprinted On

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This is a Twilight fanfic on Jared and Kim's story :D please don't mind the errors, this is my first story, enjoy ;)

I was feeling nervous as I entered the classroom. The love of my life, well my crush, perhaps phrasing him as the 'love of my life' was too dramatic, was sitting in the seat beside mine. Jared. No Kim, you are so over him, I told myself sternly.

I went over and sat down on my seat and took out my books.

“You do the French homework!” My best friend, Sarah Finch asked rushing over to our table.

“What homework?”

Her eyes widened. I cracked a smile.

“Kidding here,” I handed her my homework. She started to furiously scribble down the homework.

Jared said nothing throughout that whole exchange. I sighed quietly. Ever since he started hanging out with Sam Uley and his gang, Jared hasn't been the same. He's become more emotionless. His expression always remains stoic. I swear to god they must've been involved with drugs or something.  I missed the old Jared. Stupid! There you go again.

Let me explain, when I had moved back to La Push with my mom 6 years ago I was infactuated by Jared on first sight,  no joke. What had started as a small crush back when I was 10 had developed into more. Everytime he smiled, talked, joked or even laughed at me I would literally be on cloud nine. 

6 years of these feelings, I couldn't hold it in anymore. My friends encouraged me just to admit my feelings and after watching numerous anime and reading so much romance, I decided to go with the casual approach. 2 months ago, I plucked up the courage and asked Jared to the cinema.

He scrunched up his face and said "No, I'm busy," very coldly.

Wow. Way to let down a girl gently. My self confidence was shattered. So much for being strong and independent and asking the guy you liked out. I swore that day that I would get over Jared. That was easier said then done. What? Don't  judge me I am human, I didn't have an off  botton.

Our teacher Mr Hoey entered the classroom. All the students settled down and Sarah went back to her table.

"Ok people, take out your exam papers," Mr Hoey instructed.

Shit. I'd forgotten my exam papers. 

I turned to Jared, "Mind sharing papers?" I asked.

He stared at me for like a full 10 seconds. 

"Em, what?" I stuttered. Stop beating so hard you stupid heart!

His expression became unfocused.

"Earth to Jared."

He seemed to snap out of it and a look of bewilderment crossed his handsome features.

"Sure, here lend these," he passed over his papers and stood up.

Mr Hoey looked up from a book, "Problem Jared?"

"Sir, I feel unwell, can I be excused?" Jared asked gruffly.

"Yeah go ahead to the nurse's office Jared."

My eyes followed him as he left. Was it something I said? Na he was probably high on drugs or something.

Jared's P.O.V

What was wrong with me? When I had locked eyes with my class mate Kim Evans, I felt such a weird sensation. It's like the whole world folded away and it was only her. I walked out of the school and hid behind some bushes. I stripped and changed to my wolf form.


I'm here Jared

Me too said Paul

Great I said sarcastically as I ran to join up with them.

I played back what had happened moments ago. I  actually heard Paul howling with laughter.


I think you've imprinted mate

I stopped in my tracks. What. Me imprinted? I thought this was rare! Only Sam so far had imprinted and the Quilletes had said that such a thing happened very rarely.I didn't want to imprint! That's like loosing all control. The guys could hear my conflicted thoughts. I almost heard Paul smiling.

I'm never gonna imprint eughh

Jared your going to have to tell this Kim said Sam

I changed back to human form. How the hell do you tell a girl, oh I'm sorry but I kind of have a weird bond with you and I'm also a werewolf. That would be creepy. I mean imprinting on her was bad. Why did this happen? I never expected it to be Kim. I knew her for 6 years and have been sitting beside her in French for the past year. She's nice, not bad looking but seriously? This was shocking. Suddenly my mind went back to 2 months ago when she had invited me to the cinema. Man, I blew out an opportunity there! 

I decided I may as well head back to the school, I was feeling a strange pull to go over there. Then I realised it was because Kim was there.. Great.

Without knowing when I had reached the school my feet immediately led me to Kim at the lockers. She was laughing with Sarah as she took out books from her locker. Man. Why was her smile so nice.. A guy I didn't know approached Kim.

"I know the Prom is months away but I don't want you to be asked and taken. Do you want to go with me?"

Jealousy pumped through me and I walked over to them.

Kim's P.O.V.

The first three periods dragged on. I wonder where Jared was? Stop thinking that Kim! 

"Ugh that was boring!" groaned Sarah at break.

"I know, let's go to the lockers."

I opened my locker and started taking books out. Sarah started doing some impression of our biology teacher Ms. Brian. I burst out laughing as she shoved her chest out.

"Hey guys," said Peter coming over. What did he want?

"Hi," said Sarah.

"I know Prom is months away but I don't want you to be asked and taken. Do you want to go with me?"  Peter asked me.

I was shocked, no guy had ever asked me out. Peter wasn't bad looking either. He was of medium build, with short blond hair and a friendly face. I wanted to get over Jared, maybe dating another guy will help. Sarah gave me a shove to the ribs. I opened my mouth to reply when Jared was standing before us.

"Her answer's no," he said looking at Peter.

What the hell?

I frown at him, "Jared.."

He grabbed my hand and started leading me away.

"Jared! What are you doing," this was getting bizarre by the minute.

He let my hand go, and took a breathe. He seemed conflicted. Immediately I was worried.

"I need to talk to you Kim, will you come outside a minute?"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

The bell goes signaling the beginning of class. Jared groaned.

"Tell you later, Kim." 

What? I was so confused as I headed to class.

Sarah rushed over to me, "So what did he want?" her green eyes were lit up.

"He said he'll tell me later.."

"Maybe he's going to ask you out!"

"I don't think so," I said doubtfully.

"Well, we have a party to go to, he might ask you there," Sarah seemed so flipping excited.

"I can't be bothered going," I complained.

"Oh no you don't. You are not going to be a party pooper! You are coming end of."

Yay, looks like I was going to a party tonight.

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