Chapter 12

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As promised, next chapter. This one's a little short but I already have the next chapter written which is long and I will update it today :) The real fun is going to begin in the next chappy. Please vote and comment :) xx


"No protesting, If you want to go then I'm coming," Jared said adamantly.

I pouted and realised we were in front of my house.

"See you," I said dully.

"I'll be here in an hour I don't think Quil and Seth are on patrol duty so they can come too."

Did I get a say in this?

"We'll have to bring two cars then," I stated.

"Na, Quil can steal his dad's jeep."

"I can't believe you're coming," I said shaking my head and getting out.

Jared just laughed, waving as he drove way.

I went inside my house. I knew my mom wouldn't be home. You would think that after this many years of grieving, the pain would ease.. It doesn't. My mother was in such emotional turmoil that I, being her own daughter couldn't even comfort her.

This happens every year during my father's death anniversary. She is barely home and when she is we are both silent with bloodshot eyes. I think she blames herself for not knowing about my dad's involvement with drugs. Wiping a tear from my face, I bounded up the stairs. Wow. I looked like a drowned cat. Why hadn't Jared told  me that I had masscara all over my face? Grabbing wipes, I sat down on my bed and fixed my face with makeup. My phone went off and I answered.


"Don't hello me," Miles' voice sound annoyed, there was some muffling and another voice came out , "Where the hell were you!" Lisa demanded.

"Um with Jared..." I replied honestly.

There was more muffling and I heard Lisa say "with Jared." Next thing I was being deafened by Sarah's screech.

"What happened?" She was on the line now sounding excited.

"Nothing you twat, now get down to my house, shopping remember?"

"Says the one who disappeared."


I ended the call and quickly straightened my hair. Fuck you stubborn frizz. I got into black skinny legged jeans and a bright  red sweater. I was done and the guys should be here soon. I wanted them to be here fast because I didn't want to be on my own. The longer I was alone the more depressed I become thinking about my dad.

I saw the picture of him and I, smiling brightly to the camera. I was 6 wearing one of those daisy chain flower necklaces as a crown and I had insisted that my dad wear one too. He looked ridiculous, with a goofy grin. My eyes began tearing up again. That's when my bedroom door opened and my 3 best friends bundled in. We all practically lived in each others' homes so we didn't knock, just walked in.


I was crushed into a bear hug by the three of them and next thing I knew, I was balling my eyes out hugging one of them not sure who. They whispered reassuring words and eventually I stopped crying.

Friends helped with everything, without them we would be nothing. They knew everything about you and could read you like a book. They comfort you, pick you up off the ground and piece you back together. I loved my friends.

After I regained composure, I sat down on my bed. Sarah silently began reapplying my makeup on me.

"By the way guys, we got company for our shopping trip," I finally told them.

"Who?" Lisa asked mystified.

Miles elbowed her, "Who do you think?"

"Oh!" Lisa smiled knowingly. I scowled at their smiles, "Seth and Quil are coming too along with Jared."

"Ohh They're hot," My friends said in unison. We burst into fits of laughter, when we heard the doorbell.

I went downstairs and answered the door.

"Hey babe," Jared greeted.

I smacked him whilst Seth and Quil began laughing. My friends came downstairs and seeing the guys they burst out laughing, thinking of the earlier comment. I joined them.

"Do I have something on my face?" Quil asked dumbfounded.

"No ignore them Quil they're douche bags," I smiled.

"You laughed too," he accused, I rolled my eyes and followed them out to the jeep.

I was a little apprehensive. How had I gotten so close to them in the space of a few days, that we were going shopping together? Oh yeah the imprinting thing...

Quil blasted Nirvana and my mood brightened, and we drove off.

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