The first case

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Elena worked everyday for Jim sorting out cases for his workers to go on and then writing up the reports when they were finished. She had been working there for five years now and no one but Jim knew her name. To be fair she never talked to anyone unless she had to because she was way too shy. She did however like walking passed the gym in the building Jim owned for his business. That's where Seb spent most of his time. He was well built and always sweaty from his exercise when she walked passed. She took time to admire him but it was only ever from afar. She knew she wouldn't have a chance with him. He was rich, handsome and could have anyone he wanted. Elena was on a good wage but she was still a nobody at work. Jim always appreciated her though, they were very good friends, they had to be. Jim trusted her with all the information about his business which also included a new case all about Charles Magnussen. A cruel and vile man which only made Jim more interested in him.
Once Elena had done her usual duty of collecting any post from the entrance and looking for Seb on the way passed she made her way back to her office. She sat down with a sigh as an email came through.
[Elena I need to see you in my office at 12. Don't be late it's urgent -Jim]
She sighed and looked at the time. She only had a few minutes so she got up sorting out her tight skirt and made her way to his office. She knocked on and the door instantly opened by Seb. She looked at him and froze before Jim spoke from his desk "Elena do come in" he said as Seb stepped to the side and let her in. She walked in going shy as she sat down in front of his desk and Seb sat beside her. "I have a new case which requires you both. It's very important and I need it done as soon as possible" he said very seriously. She glanced between Seb and Jim "me? As in.... sort out the paperwork?" She said which made Seb smirk. "No Elena I need you to go on the case with Seb..... Charles Magnussen. He's attending a charity ball at the Hilton hotel. I need you to flirt and distract him while Seb installs some cameras in his hotel room. I need you there early to make it believable so you need to leave today." Elena sat silent and in complete shock "b-but...." she said a little panicked "your stuff is packed and in the car that's waiting outside for you" he smiled. She knew he was doing this on purpose. He had known for ages she liked Seb and this was Jims way of 'setting them up'. "We should go then" Seb said getting up and buttoning his jacket up "I'll drive" he said glancing at Elena as he made his way to the door.
Elena followed him out while Jim gave her a stern look. "Umm... I'm Elena by the way" she said catching up with Seb which made him sigh. "Yes, I know Jim told me. Let's not make small talk and just get the job done" he said very annoyed which made Elena look down a bit sadly. He got into the drivers seat of the car and Elena in the passengers seat. It was a five hour drive to get to the hotel so they had to stop a few times on the way and Elena had to watch while Seb flirted and eyed up every woman he saw but her. Was there something wrong with her? Maybe she just wasn't the tall model type he was after. Elena was small but very pretty she had slightly curled hair and dark brown eyes. Seb was the opposite of every guy who had ever taken an interest in her. He was very tall, dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes which was what attracted her to him. He was so handsome but of course she didn't know him and her first impression was disappointing. Seb had come back from getting some petrol for the car and shoved a girls number in the cup holder making Elena roll her eyes and sigh. "What was that for?" He asked with a frown . "Nothing .... " Seb smirked knowing exactly what it was that was annoying her so decided to mess with her. "Hot blonde, she wants to hook up when I get back"
"Of course, who don't you sleep with...." she mumbled. "How would you know who I've slept with?"
"Oh please everyone knows you sleep with different girls all the time." She said picking up the number "one to add to the bunch?"
"I don't sleep with them..... they give me their numbers because I don't want to say no to them. I never call them. I've had sex a normal amount of times for someone my age" which made her frown "what exactly is a normal amount for someone ...... wait how old are you?"
"I'm 32" he smirked "oh... right, old man" she teased. "Excuse me.... how old are you then?" He said finally smiling for the first time. "I'm only 25" he glanced over at her when she said that "hmm lucky me" he mumbled. She blushed and quickly grabbed the case file to distract herself "umm... this guy, he's quite dangerous, are you going to be okay in his room?" She asked a bit concerned as well as trying to hide her face. "You're concerned for me?" He said a bit surprised "you're the one who has to flirt with him..... I'm more concerned about you. We will have ear pieces in you know so if ....... if he does something inappropriate you tell me yeah? He has a reputation for taking a different girl to his room after these balls" He said looking away from her to hide how protective he was being. "Don't worry, he's not my type" she laughed. "And I doubt I'm his type..... or anyone's" she said reading the file.
"Well you never know, you might score" he joked as he pulled into the car park of the hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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