Chapter 4; Short, Explination

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Brendon watched Dallon all night long. He wanted to keep an eye on his new friend.

I mean, who doesn't watch their friend sleep?

Brendon thought to himself in reassuring attempts.

He floated from here to there, there to here. Wandering and wondering endlessly.

Does he have a bed?

Is that chair even comfortable?

How is someone so attractive as him still single?

I hope he can get a bed soon.

Ghosts sometimes could will themselves to sleep but usually the dead was beyond restless.

Brendon here was no exception to that rule, even perhaps applying the most to him.

A heavy sigh left the shaggy haired boy's mouth. He had been watching Dallon sleep restfully for about 3 1/2 hours now. Earlier he had noticed, he rolled his head uncomfortably, sad tunes leaking from the ends of his lips.

Brendon watched eagerly. But he didn't wake up. As much fun it is to watch living people sleep, watching them awake and doing things to busy themselves is even better.

One of his particular favorite pastimes was sitting on the broken windowsill of their high rise. He watched people walk, couples holding hands soft, and loose sentences leaving desperate tongues.

Brendon always thought if he hadn't y'know, done what he did, he'd have liked to write poetry. Not that it is needed. Meaningless but ever so meaningful; his journal thankfully was never found by his family and still remained hidden on the top edge of his old closet.

Night for him, always brought a sense of release. It may be cause of the almost dead-like sleep the rest of the world into, or it could be that he loved the silence. Everything seeming to stop and freeze, the sun though, continuing its lulls across the sky.

Brendon also wondered how he should try to interact with Dallon again.

Or maybe I shouldn't at all.

He thought depressingly.

Only one reason now remained why he wasn't able to move on. Move on to the next step in his after-life.

There are three steps, but the second only happens in special, different cases.


That one is the easiest and you're already done before you know it.

2.No repentance(remorse)

This means you can't have any regrets that would keep you from moving onto the third and final step. This one being optional because not everyone dies with regrets, not everyone comes back as a spirit(and even then there are different kinds of spirits to discus), and if you don't die with any regrets you go straight to Heaven or Hell. Whichever suits you well.

3.Heaven or Hell

You ascend or descend. Thats it. However Brendon has not made it this far yet.

Something went wrong for ghosty boy here at part 2.

And Brendon has been feeling that his poetry book is the next step in contacting his new tall friend.

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