Chapter 15; Cyan

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Brendon stared at his crush who was currently laying down rather suddenly on the living room's hard wood flooring.

With no actual strength Brendon couldn't do anything to help Dallon. He desperately tried to pick him up, just to even brush his hair out of his pained eyes would be good enough for the ghost boy. But he was utterly helpless and it was tearing him apart.

He tried to once again summon his powers that he used to help Dallon the last time he was hurt but nothing came, nothing came out of him to aid his pal; and that sent him into a fit of angry tears and he stomped over to his window sil and sat down. He thought about writing something to Dallon but an unknown force inside his body he felt, was tying him down to an anchor traveling to the bottom of an endless sea.

Brendon's legs jittering up and down wildly he felt an uncontrollable urge to run, not anywhere in particular but just run. Run to get away from his problems, but this situation however held a person that when they woke up would be needing the ghost boy by his side.

With tears in Brendon's eyes he pulled his knees to his chest sliding down the wall facing the unconscious boy and cried into them softly, that witch Sarah had definitely done this to Dallon. No word in Brendon's mind could make him think otherwise. So that is what Brendon did, cried and thought, cried more and watched Dallon lay there.

Brendon waited for 2 and half hours for even the slightest movement from Dallon. So in that mean-time Brendon began singing some other songs that he had remembered the other day while he was home alone. This one right now seemed to be his favorite:

"Things are shaping up to be pretty odd. Little deaths in musical beds. So it seems I'm someone I've never met.

You will only hear these elegant crimes, fall on your ears from criminal dimes. They spill unfound from a pretty mouth. Everybody gets there and everybody gets their, and everybody gets their way. I never said I missed her when everybody kissed her, now I'm the only one to blame."

Brendon sang slower than the songs original tempo. Soft words dripped from wet parted lips and reached the ears of an awakening soul.

Dallon finally had begun to stir. But through Brendon's own singing with his eyes closed gently he had not see Dallon sit up holding his head gently, his legs in a criss cross pattern and he stared at Brendon with saucer eyes.

Brendon finished his last sultry line and turn around in his bench window seat and nearly jumped out of his own skin from the frightful sight of Dallon staring at him. Firstly Brendon did not believe his own eyes, thinking the Dallon was actually looking at him made him scoff, then he held up his hand and waved it left and right and Dallon's eyes follow his hand. Then testing further Brendon got to his hands and knees and began crawling towards Dallon, he swayed back and forth in the same motion and Dallon's eyes did the same process once again.

Pure disbelief was the only thing Brendon could feel in his soul as with every limb closer to Dallon crawling on the floor their faces inching ever so closer together millimeters apart both boys closed their eyes bracing for the impact their lips would bring.


❤Thank you for reading as always and dont forget to comment and vote I love all of you readers so so much❤

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